Links to information about two-way communications satellites carrying repeaters, transponders, and digipeaters can be found here.
FM Repeater Satellites
(Click here for frequency chart, follow links below for satellite details)
- SO-50 (SaudiSat-1C)
- LilacSat-2 (CAS-3H) Transponder activations sporadic
- IO-86 (LAPAN-A2) In equatorial orbit, activations by schedule
- PO-101 (Diwata-2) Active by schedule, see here for schedule updates
- ISS Crossband Repeater Click here for schedule updates.
- SO-124 (HADES-R)
Transponder Satellites
(Click here for frequency chart, follow links for satellite details)
- AO-7
- FO-29 (JAS-2) Due to low battery, transponder is activated by schedule in Japan and remains active until voltage drops
- AO-73 (FUNcube-1) See AMSAT-BB or AMSAT News Service for transponder schedule updates
- JO-97 (JY1Sat)
- XW-2B (CAS-3B)
- TO-108 (CAS-6) Transponder operates intermittently
- RS-44
- MO-122 (MESAT1)
- QO-100 (Es’hail-2 / P4A) Geostationary at 25.9 degrees east.
Digital Satellites
- NO-44 (PCsat) Sporadically active
- IO-86 (LAPAN-A2) In equatorial orbit, activations by schedule
- ISS Frequency Summary
- ISS Ham TV Currently inoperative
- AO-123 (ASRTU-1)
Re-entered or Inoperative Satellites
- LO-75 (Cape-2) Now re-entered
- VO-52 (Hamsat) Now end of mission
- FO-82 (Shin’en-2) Now in solar orbit
- LO-78 (LituanicaSat-1) Now re-entered
- XW-2E (CAS-3E) Beacon operational
- EO-79 (QB50p1 and FUNcube-3) Non-operational
- UKube-1 (FUNcube-2) Non-operational
- AO-27 Non-operational
- AO-91 (RadFxSat / Fox-1B) Now end of mission
- AO-92 (Fox-1D) Now re-entered
- AO-95 (Fox-1Cliff) Beacon operational
- LO-90 (LilacSat-1) Now re-entered
- BO-102 (CAS-7B / BP-1B) Now re-entered
- AO-85 (Fox-1A) Now end of mission
- HO-107 (HuskySat-1) Now end of mission
- FUNcube on ESEO
- NO-84 (PSAT) Now re-entered
- LO-87 (LUSEX / ÑuSat-1)
- MO-112 Now re-entered
- FalconSAT-3 Now re-entered
- XW-2A (CAS-3A) Now end of mission
- XW-2C (CAS-3C) Now end of mission
- XW-2D (CAS-3D) Now end of mission
- XW-2F (CAS-3F) Now end of mission
- CAS-4A Now end of mission
- CAS-4B Now end of mission
- Tevel 2-8 Now re-entered
- IO-117 (GreenCube) Currently inoperative
- FO-118 (CAS-5A)
- EO-88 (Nayif-1 / FUNcube on Nayif-1) Now re-entered
- FO-99 (NEXUS) Now re-entered
- AO-109 (Fox-1E) Now re-entered
- HO-113 (CAS-9 / XW-3)
- XW-4 (CAS-10)
- NO-103 (BRICSAT2)
- NO-104 (PSAT2)
JE9PEL All Satellites Frequency List
SatPC32 Doppler SQF Line Generator
Updated October 7, 2024