Signals heard from Funcube-1 and Triton-1 on first pass over EU.
A Russian Dnepr rocket is set to launch on November 21 at 07:10:11 UTC from Dombarovsky near Yasny. This launch is expected to deploy 32 satellites, many of which are amateur radio or experimental using amateur radio frequencies.
Nader, ST2NH has developed graphics depicting the known satellites on the launch, as well as published frequencies of those using amateur radio. Nader’s blog can be found at http://st2nh-blogger.blogspot.co.uk/
A full list of known payloads can be found at http://www.zarya.info/blog/?p=1745
Several of these satellites are expected to provide opportunities for two-way amateur communications via linear transponders, FM to DSB repeaters, or digital links.
FUNcube-1 from AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL is a 1U cubesat that includes an educational beacon and 20 kHz wide linear transponder. Detailed info is at: http://funcube.org.uk/ and http://amsat-uk.org/funcube/funcube-cubesat/
1 99991U 00000 13325.30956308 .00000106 00000-0 10000-3 0 00010
2 99991 097.7956 038.2570 0059925 198.5190 336.5388 14.77841394000015Delfi-n3Xt is a 3U cubesat from Delft University of Technology that includes a 40kHz wide linear transponder and high speed S-band downlink. Detailed info may be found at http://www.delfispace.nl/index.php/delfi-n3xt
Triton-1 is a 3U cubesat from ISIS-BV (Innovative Solutions In Space BV) with a AIS (ship location service) radio science experiment. After the experiment is complete (est. 3 months), the spacecraft radios will be reconfigured to U/V FM to DSB (“AO-16 mode”) repeaters open for amateur use. More info is at http://www.isispace.nl/cms/index.php/projects/triton-missions and http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=224
CubeBug-2 is a 2U cubesat from the Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, INVAPS.E., Satellogic S.A., and Radio Club Bariloche
It is a technology demonstration mission, with digipeater and data downloads open after initial experiments. See http://2.cubebug.org/ and http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=310
Additional launch information will be added as it becomes available.