The September/October AMSAT Journal is ready. This issue is on the way to the print shop. The next stop will be the post office and then your mailbox. Here is a preview of what you will find in this issue:
- Apogee View by Barry Baines, WD4ASW
- Exploring the Fox-2 Maximum Power Point Tracking System by Mark Spencer, WA8SME
- W7LRD Grid Expedition to CN77 by Bob Johnson, W7LRD
- AMSAT-UK Prepares for November Launch of FUNcube-1
- 2013 AMSAT Field Day Results by Bruce Paige, KK5DO
- Museum Ships Weekend 2013 – Satellites and a Balloon by Andy MacAlister, W5ACM and Allen Mattis, N5AFV
- Kitty Litter Radio Carrier for Portable Operation by Randy Hall, K7AGE
- AMSAT at Dayton 2013 by Keith Baker, KB1SF/VA3KSF
- Ham Video Transmitter Aboard Columbus by Gaston Bertels, ON4WF