RadFXSat/Fox-1B Launch Opportunity Announcement November 2016

AMSAT has been notified by Scott Higginbotham, Mission Manager for ELaNa-12 (Fox-1A launch) and ELaNa-14 (RadFxSat/Fox-1B launch) in NASA’s Launch Services Program at Kennedy Space Center, “The ELaNa-14 CubeSat complement is scheduled to fly along with NOAA’s JPSS-1 spacecraft on a Delta II that will be launching from VAFB on November 15, 2016. Due to … Read more

PSAT (NO-84)

PSAT was launched 20 May, 2015 at 1504Z from Cape Canaveral, Florida aboard an Atlas 5 launch vehicle. PSAT, also known as ParkinsonSAT, is a project of the students of the United States Naval Academy. The satellite was named in honor of Dr. Bradford Parkinson, a graduate from the Academy and one of the developers … Read more

Fox-1 Development, Launch, and Frequency Coordination Status at Dayton

During the Dayton Hamvention, AMSAT Vice President Operations, Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, and AMSAT Vice President – Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, provided more information about the Fox-1 satellites under development. Buxton, N0JY, says Fox-1A has passed all environmental testing and is integrated into the P-POD deployment canister. “The ‘remove before flight pin’ has been pulled, the … Read more

Fox-1C and Fox-1D Include L-Band Uplink; Fox-1E Linear Transponder Announced

AMSAT Vice President – Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, announced plans to incorporate an L band receiver in Fox-1C and Fox-1D. The addition will allow ground commanded selection of the U/v (normal Fox-1 bands) or the new L/v 1.2 GHz (23 cm) mode. Both bands will operate as FM single channel. Rather than adding a complete … Read more