AMSAT Activities at Hamvention 2019

AMSAT Academy Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) Clubhouse, Dayton, OH Thursday, 16 May 2019, 09:00 – 17:00 EDT Come join us the day before Hamvention for AMSAT Academy – a unique opportunity to learn all about amateur radio in space and working the FM, linear transponder, and digital satellites currently in orbit. AMSAT Academy will … Read more

Apogee View – March/April 2017

March/April 2017 Barry Baines, WD4ASW, President Spring has Sprung! I write this column the week of March 20 with Major League Baseball starting up in two weeks (April 2) and Hamvention taking place in only eight weeks (May 19-20). Along with the coming of spring, I’d like to share with you some interesting developments taking … Read more

AMSAT Strategic Planning Update

Introduction and Overview Barry Baines, WD4ASW President In previous issues of The AMSAT Journal, we’ve highlighted the decision by the AMSAT Board of Directors to initiate a strategic planning process in 2017. As the board is responsible for the strategic direction of AMSAT (while the President and Senior Leadership Team handle day to-day ‘tactical’ affairs), … Read more

Apogee View

Bimonthly update from AMSAT-NA President Barry Baines, WD4ASW