Apogee View – January/February 2017

January / February 2017 Barry Baines, WD4ASW, President Happy New Year! I trust the holiday season was a joyous one for you with good cheer and opportunities to be with friends and family. May 2017 be a wonderful year. During the holiday season, Kathy (WD4ASX) and I were in the midst of transition, establishing a new … Read more

Apogee View

Bimonthly update from AMSAT-NA President Barry Baines, WD4ASW

Two projects with AMSAT ties selected for NASA launches

Two cubesat missions with ties to AMSAT have been selected as part of the eighth round of the NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative. These spacecraft are eligible for placement on a launch manifest after final negotiations, depending on the availability of a flight opportunity. TJREVERB is a cubesat from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, … Read more

RadFXsat-2 receives IARU frequency coordination

RadFXSat-2 is a 1U cubesat technology demonstration mission from Vanderbilt University that has been accepted for launch as part of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative. Vanderbilt University is partnered with AMSAT, who will provide the satellite and communications for the experiments onboard as part of the AMSAT Fox program. AMSAT recently received IARU frequency coordination for a … Read more