Orbiting Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio

Ever since the launch of OSCAR I in 1961, it has been traditional for amateur radio satellites to carry the name OSCAR, for “Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio.” At the request of the original Project OSCAR organization, AMSAT now administers the numbering of OSCAR satellites. Following is a list of the 121 satellites that have … Read more

Fox-1D Integrated, Ready for Launch

While RadFxSat (Fox-1B) is just days from launch, preparations for the launch of the next Fox-1 satellite are already underway. On Monday, November 6th, AMSAT Vice-President Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, delivered Fox-1D to Spaceflight, Inc. in Seattle, WA where it was integrated into its Innovative Solutions in Space QuadPack for delivery to India. Fox-1D will … Read more