Apogee View – May/June 2020

Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, President As the world continues to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, AMSAT continues to move forward on its mission of Keeping Amateur Radio in Space. Amateur radio contacts made via OSCAR comply with even the strictest social distancing guidelines. Many operators enjoy and appreciate the large fleet of satellites to keep us … Read more

Apogee View – March/April 2020

Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, President I am humbled by the greetings and congratulatory messages received over the past month since becoming the President of AMSAT. Please join me in expressing gratitude to our immediate past president Joe Spier, K6WAO, for his dedication to AMSAT’s mission of Keeping Amateur Radio in Space. Following Joe’s resignation, Paul Stoetzer, … Read more

Joe Spier, K6WAO, Resigns as AMSAT President

Joe Spier, K6WAO, has tendered his resignation as AMSAT President, citing personal reasons. Spier had served as AMSAT’s President since October 2017. Prior to his tenure as President, Spier served as AMSAT’s Executive Vice President and Vice President – Educational Relations. He also served as an AMSAT News Service Editor and as a member of … Read more

Apogee View – July/August 2019

Joe Spier, K6WAO, President Since Hamvention, I have traveled to Virginia and Montreal. The purpose of my trip to Virginia was to move the AMSAT historical files from Dr. Bob McGwier’s (N4HY) basement to climate-controlled storage in Northern Virginia, nearer to the AMSAT Office. For the past five years — since the move out of … Read more