You may click the links below for more information for some of the most frequently asked questions about AMSAT’s email list system:
- Creating Your Account
- Subscribing to a mailing list
- Managing your subscription options
- Using multiple email addresses
- Unsubscribe from a list
- Other common AMSAT-BB questions
As always, if you have any questions or problems, you can email amsat-bb-owner(at) for help! One of the moderators will get with you to fix your issue. See our AMSAT Acceptable Use Policy for guidelines on maintaining a civil discourse. Please keep in mind that our public lists are read by people and organizations worldwide, and postings are often picked up and distributed by the other amateur news media.
Creating your account
Creating this account is simple. Visit, and click “Sign Up” in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

Fill in the requested information, click the blue “sign up” button at the bottom of the form, and you should receive an email with a link to confirm that you did indeed create the account. If you already have been receiving email from the list, that’s all you need to do. However if you’re a new subscriber, and have never used the AMSAT-BB in the past, you will need to take the following step:
Subscribing to a mailing list
Log into your new account, and when you see the page displaying all the available mailing lists, select the one you want to subscribe to. In this case, the AMSAT-BB.

Then, you will see the following page. AMSAT requests that you include not only your name, but your callsign so other list members know who they are talking to. Once that is done, click “subscribe” and you’re ready to go!

Managing your subscription options
Once you have an account, and have subscribed to a list, you may want to change your delivery settings to digest, or modify your subscription in some other way. To do that, click your name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and select “Mailman Settings”

On the resulting page, select the tab “List-based preferences” at the top, and from there you can change the settings for all the lists you are subscribed to.

Using multiple email addresses
Many of you use more than one email address. This new version of the mailing list allows you to add these additional email addresses to your one, single account. To do so, select “Account” from the upper right hand corner of your screen. Once there, select the “email addresses” tab, and from there you may add additional alternate email addresses. You may also choose which email is the primary for your account.

Unsubscribe from a list
To unsubscribe, log into your account at, and select “Mailman settings” from the top right-hand corner. On the resulting page, click the list that you want to unsubscribe from.

Once there, click the red unsubscribe button.

Other common AMSAT-BB questions:
Why did the mailing list messages suddenly stop coming to me a few weeks ago?
Something may have been temporarily wrong with mail delivery to your site. If a message to you bounces back to the mailing list system, you may be removed from the mailing list. The system will try to notify you about this, but if mail isn’t getting through you might not get the notice, either.
If you think this has happened to you, you can check your current subscriptions using the steps outlined above in this FAQ.
If the mailing list system thinks you are subscribed, but you haven’t been seeing the mailing list messages, check your spam folder or your spam filter settings. If that
doesn’t work, check with your local system administrator.
If you think there might be a problem with the AMSAT.ORG system, you may send a query to [email protected] and ask.
I have an important announcement I’d like to make. Can I send it to the ANS mailing list?
Not unless you’re an official ANS station. You may send it to the AMSAT-BB mailing list (by sending your message to [email protected]), and/or submit it to the ANS editor
([email protected]) for possible inclusion in the next issue of the AMSAT News Service.
There’s too much XYZ being posted to mailing list ABC!
It’s not possible for the mailing lists to contain exactly what you find interesting. If we are to share information freely, all subscribers must be prepared to cope with a certain amount of traffic they find boring or useless.
Sometimes it becomes a clear problem, with one subject generating so much traffic that it becomes a burden on a more general mailing list. In those cases, a new mailing list can be created to make it possible for only those who are interested to receive the information. However, there is a practical limit.
Do I have to be a member of AMSAT to take advantage of the services of AMSAT.ORG?
No, these are free services for the amateur satellite community. Of course, you’re encouraged to join your national AMSAT organization!