After a delay due to weather and equipment difficulties, the CY9C DXpedition to St. Paul Island is now active on satellite. On a pass of FO-29 during the 02:00 UTC hour on August 25, 2016, they made the first satellite QSO from St. Paul Island in over 18 years, working Peter Goodhall, 2E0SQL, in England. David Webb, KB1PVH, in Massachusetts was also logged on that pass. On the next FO-29 pass, numerous stations across North America from Massachusetts and Ontario to Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas were logged. Audio from that pass, recorded by Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, in Washington, DC, can be heard here: CY9C on FO-29 0424Z 25-Aug-2016
Stations in range of St. Paul Island are encouraged to work them. Please see @WW2DX on Twitter for updates from the DXpedition site. The DXpedition is scheduled to end on August 29th.