ARRL Seeks Comments on 5 and 10 GHz National Band Plans

bandplanARRL UHF/Microwave Band Plan Committee Chairman, Rick Roderick, K5UR reports that  the draft documents of the 5 and 10 GHz band plans have been released for review.

The Committee, charted by the ARRL Board of Directors, has prepared draft band plans for 5 centimeters (5.650-5.925 GHz) and 3 centimeters (10-10.500 GHz).

Amateur Satellite allocations in the draft band plans include:

  • Amateur Satellite; Up-Link Only 5650.000 – 5670.000 MHz
  • Amateur Satellite; Down-Link Only 5830.000 – 5850.000 MHz
  • Space, Earth & Telecommand Stations 10450.000 – 10500.000 MHz

The band plan committee is requesting user comments via e-mail to [email protected] by April 30, 2013.

The ARRL Band Plan announcement, including links to the PDF copies of the proposed band plan documents is available on the ARRL Web.

AMSAT-DC Workshop on Portable Satellite Ground Stations

REGISTER NOW for the AMSAT-DC Spring Workshop 2013.  Those who wish to attend the “Workshop on Portable Satellite Ground Stations” on Saturday, March 23, must call Martha in advance at AMSAT headquarters at 301-589-6062 to receive a workshop registration number.  Your unique registration number is your ticket to get in, starting at 9:00 A.M. EDT.  There will be no registration at the door.

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