SPROUT microsatellite to launch 0305UTC May 24th with SSTV and digitalker

SPROUT is a 7.1 kg microsatellite set to launch on the JAXA ALOS-2 mission on May 24th at 0305 UTC from Tanegashima Space Center, Japan to a 654km sun synchronous orbit. Watch the launch live at http://global.jaxa.jp/projects/sat/alos2/index.html

This satellite is a project of Nihon University and will include some interesting amateur radio payloads and experiments, including CW telemetry, an FM digipeater, digitalker and message box, and live and preloaded SSTV pictures! Nihon University enjoyed previous success with SEEDS-II, aka CO-66.

Courtesy Nihon-Univ. Miyazaki Laboratory Facebook Page
Courtesy Nihon-Univ. Miyazaki Laboratory Facebook Page

SPROUT will operate CW and 1200 bps AFSK or 9600 GMSK mission telemetry on 437.525 MHz. Digitalker and SSTV downlink will be on 437.600 MHz FM.

Telemetry software can be found at http://sat.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/sprout-e/2-Software-e.html

JE9PEL has posted preliminary Keplerian elements at http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/jaxalos2.htm

1 00000U 14001A   14144.15426352  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    10
2 00000 097.8740 241.6133 0035980 058.6810 194.6458 14.85960816    15

SPROUT information can be found at http://sat.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/sprout-e/

Nihon University Miyazaki Laboratory page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nihon-Univ-Miyazaki-Laboratory/406566642818860


Qatar ARS and AMSAT-DL announce Phase 4 satellite payload

A collaboration between the Qatar Amateur Radio Society, the Qatar Satellite Company, and AMSAT-DL has resulted in the announcement of a geostationary amateur radio payload aboard the proposed Es’HailSat-2 commercial satellite.

Due to be launched in 2016, the satellite will provide communications services to the Middle East and North Africa region from a position at 26 degrees East. Additionally, the satellite will include two 2.4 GHz to 10.45 GHz transponders dedicated for amateur use. One transponder will be approximately 250 kHz wide, and will be for traditional narrowband modes such as SSB and CW. The second will be 8MHz wide and designed for experimental DVB and data modes. Coverage is expected over the entire footprint.

Es'Hailsat-2 coverage
Es’Hailsat-2 coverage

While this payload will not service North America, the project is an important step into high orbit, and may open the door for additional opportunities in other orbital positions.

AMSAT-DL webpage via Google Translate


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DELFI-N3XT update

delfi-n3xtThe following update was provided today on the DELFI-N3XT satellite launched in November 2013:

Dear radio amateurs,

It has been a while since we have provided an update, so it is time to brief you again.

Delfi-n3Xt Status

The satellite is doing fine and is in healthy shape. We are now almost 3 months in orbit and have fulfilled a major part of the primary mission objectives. This means that we are close to a mission success. This does not mean that everything works flawlessly as there are several subsystems with issues. Given the amount of payloads and new technologies, I can only say that this was to be expected and accounted for in the mission. Delfi satellites are developing platforms and Delfi-n3Xt is an in-orbit test facility. The good thing is that issues encountered are not even a final verdict on the subsystems performance. The attitude determination and control subsystem currently is hampered by a high magnetic noise, but might still be tweaked and tune to see if we can get it to work properly. This however takes some time, so we are glad that the satellite seems to be in healthy state and we can take more time to experiment with it.


We are still working on an improved version of DUDe to tackle several issues which we and many of you have discovered and reported. Unfortunately, many of these issues are more difficult to tackle than anticipated and will still take a while before we can release a new solid version of DUDe. One of the main issues is the fact that the software freezes after receiving noise for some time, meaning that DUDe needs to be restarted each time. Attached is a version of DUDe with a dirty fix which resets the PLL every minute. The penalty is that a 1 or 2 frames are lost each minute, so the performance is less than version 5.1. It is however much more convenient for automated ground stations (like our own) and therefore we decided to release this version.


We are going to test the transponder functionality of Delfi-n3Xt this week. I have to be honest that this functionality was implemented last minute on the satellite and was only tested briefly in a non-representative setup. I therefore estimate the chance that it will work at 50/50.

Our first test series will be:

Thursday 20-02-2014 at about 10:50 UTC

Friday 21-02-2014 at about 9:50 UTC

Friday 21-02-2014 at about 11:25 UTC

After a few initial tests, and provided that it works, you are free to use the transponder for communication. We will leave it in this mode for the remainder of the sunlit part of the orbit, so only in Europe and Africa it is possible to use this mode for now. If successful we will turn on the transponder more often and for longer periods of time such that everyone can enjoy it.

(Editor’s note : Downlink 145.880 -145.920MHz, Uplink 435.530-435.570MHz, Telemetry on 145.870MHz and 145.930MHz and a high speed downlink on 2405.00MHz)

S-band Transmitter

There seems to be a problem on the S-band transmitter causing the current protection to kick in occasionally. Maybe this is due to charging or some other effect, as the board is not protected by The Onboard Computer leaves the transmitter off after several attempts as part of an internal safety mechanism. We can still turn on the S-band transmitter through telecommand, but this will only last for a few passes. Most cases the S-band transmitter will thus be off and it reporting that we have turned it might not be very effective since it might be off again by the time you read the message. If you are still interested to try and receive the beacon signal of the S-band, please check the regular telemetry in DUDe under ‘Status’à’Satellite Status’à ‘Subsystem Status STX’ to see if it is actually on.

J. (Jasper) Bouwmeester, MSc.

Delfi Nanosatellite Program Manager &

Researcher Small Satellite Technology

Chair of Space Systems Engineering

Delft University of Technology