FoxTelem 1.02 Released

FoxTelem Version 1.02 is now available for download. Like the last
release, you can patch your installation by downloading the patch file. In
this case it is a single file to replace.

You can download it from here:

Everyone should upgrade to 1.02 because this readies FoxTelem for
transition to the new Telemetry Server which will be more reliable.

Additionally this release fixes a number of issues and adds the ability to
download data from the Server to view/analyze in FoxTelem. If you download
data, please make sure you save it into a separate directory to your local
data, otherwise you will over write it. Of course frequent backups of your
data minimize this risk.

The release notes are below:

* Fixed bug where opening the Fox-1A spacecraft menu would cause a crash
* Added horizontal and vertical lines to the graphs if button clicked
* Fixed Typo on measurements tab
* Fixed a bug where UTC was not displayed for the Diagnostic tables
* Capture the string version of the STP date in ENGLISH for all users, but
leave other dates in local language
* Fixed bug where TCA date could be null and a SERIOUS error was reported
* Fixed issue where the tabs were always refreshed when the spacecraft
menu closed
* Fixed bug where UTC date was sometimes wrong on the spacecraft T0 panel
* Ready FoxTelem for sending server data via TCP
* Support downloading data from the server

Chris E. Thompson
[email protected]
[email protected]

New Release of FoxTelem

From the AMSAT Bulletin Board Mailing List:

I wanted to announce the release of FoxTelem Version 1.01. If possible,
everyone should upgrade to this new version. In addition to some new functionality it fixes some bugs and issue that mean more data will be uploaded to the server.

This is a patch release. If you already have 1.00 installed then download
the file

You can download it from:

Only two files have changed (plus the manual). Copy these files into your
install directory
– FoxTelem.jar
– spacecraft/FOX1A_radtelemetry2.csv

You can also download the whole install file and install it in a new
directory. You can use the
settings menu to continue using your existing log files. Ask if you need

Lots has changed in this release and many bugs have been fixed. Please
report any issues
that you see.

Release notes:
* Allow the user to view and set the “track” attribute for each spacecraft
(and other parameters)
* Better doppler tracking in IQ mode and more stable estimate of the
received frequency
* Better Find Signal algorithm with tuning paramaters for experts
* Read Time Zero from the server for each reset and use to plot graphs in
* Set the default fcd frequency to 145930 so that Fox-1A, Fox-1Cliff and
Fox-1D will be in the passband
* Allow the gain to be set on the FCD (rather than hard coded)
* Do not change the FCD LNA or Mixer Gain. Leave unchanged.
* Do not open the FCD unless the start button is pressed
* Fixed a bug where the last 2 bytes of the radiation telemetry were not
decoded correctly
* Allow Vanderbilt radiation experiment to be graphed
* Allow user to select UDP or TCP for upload to the server (but use UDP
for now please)
* Shorten the period between passes so that graphs look continuous
* Ignore duplicate high speed radiation frames – needed for processing
data from the server
* Allow graphs to be hidden so that average or derivative is easier to see
* Notify the user when a new release is available
* Cleaned up the FFT trace with some averaging
* If showRawValues is checked then save CSV files as raw values
* Several updates to the manual

Chris E. Thompson
chrisethompson at
g0kla at

LAPANSAT-A2 to launch 0430UTC 28SEP15 on Indian PSLV-XL C30


Launch Successful and satellite has been heard!

Please send reports to [email protected]

The 76kg LAPANSAT-A2 satellite is scheduled to launch as a secondary payload of the ISRO Astrosat space telescope mission on an Indian PSLV-XL rocket at 0430UTC on 28SEP15. The satellite is expected to be deployed in a low inclination orbit of 6 to 10 degrees, at ~650km altitude. This means stations North or South of approximately 32 degrees of latitude will not be able to access the satellite, but stations near the equator (such as Indonesia) will have up to 14 passes a day.

Along with Maritime AIS monitoring equipment, and optical capabilities, LAPANSAT-A2 carries a V/U voice repeater (435.88 with PL tone up, 145.88 down) and an APRS digipeater (145.825). The telemetry beacon is 437.425 MHz. The operational plan is not known at this time.

Pre-launch Keps courtesy of Dirgan, YE0EEE:

1 99999U 00000    15270.20393519  .00010000  00000-0  10000-3 0 00011
2 99999 006.0383 028.8188 0001450 317.4897 243.6033 14.00000000000018

lapanA2Live launch coverage is expected on DD News beginning at 0400Z:

Doordarshan National News on YouTube

AMSAT-Indonesia has an active group on Facebook:

ISRO has a Twitter account at:

CAMSAT XW-2(CAS-3) satellites launch 18SEP2015 2300Z

SUCCESS! A multitude of satellites were heard on the first pass over the US!

Congratulations to CAMSAT and all parties involved!

Latest estimated keps:

From AMSAT-bb:

The launch postponed by one day due to technical reasons, will be at UTC
23:00:00 on 2015-09-19

Launch time: UTC 23:00:00 2015-09-19

The satellites will be separated from rocket at UTC 23:15:14 2015-09-19

Alan, BA1DU


The CAMSAT XW-2(CAS-3) cluster launch of 9 or more amateur radio satellites is CAS3Ascheduled for 23:00Z on September 18th, 2015, or late afternoon/early evening Friday night in the US. The launch is on the maiden flight of the Long March 6 vehicle, from the Taiyuan launch complex.

Satellite separation is planned for 23:15:14 UTC, and the first orbit has the cluster passing over the central US at approximately 00:05Z – 00:23Z XW-2 1st pass19SEP2015.








CAMSAT CEO Alan Kung, BA1DU provided preliminary keplerian elements for the launch via AMSAT-BB:

1 99999U          15261.96885740  .00004980  00000-0  28369-3 0 00000
2 99999 097.4712 269.8396 0010382 266.0521 270.6645 15.12847582000010

Frequencies may be referenced from a PDF document also provided by BA1DU. Some satellite frequencies fall outside the international amateur satellite bandplan, so please be aware of local terrestrial users:

                                                  XW-2CAS-3 Sats

See also our previous post at

Alan Biddle, WA4SCA created a series of SatPC32 Doppler.sqf file entries for the known satellites. Please be aware that the individual satellite names may differ, and additional modification of the entries may be required to work with future or the above elements.

CAS-3A,145640,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3A,145660.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3B,145705,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3B,145725.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3C,145770,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3C,145790.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3D,145835,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3D,145855.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3E,145890,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3E,145910.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3F,145955,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3F,145975.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3G,145475,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3G,437950,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM

CAS-3H,437200.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon
CAS-3H,437225.0,144350.0,FM,FM,NOR,0,0,FM VOICE

CAS-3I,437000,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM

Good luck to CAMSAT on the launch, and please send reception reports to                          [email protected] or #amsat on Twitter.