Emergency Traffic Relayed over AO-92 Satellite

Terrain in Big Bend National Park & Ranger response. W5PFG photo.

On August 27, 2019, Clayton, W5PFG, and his father Jack, AC5DI, were traversing the Chihuahuan Desert in Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA, when their vehicle became stuck in mud from recent monsoon rains.

Being stuck up to the axles, they were unable to self-recover from the situation, requiring assistance from Park Rangers. August temperatures in this desert reach upwards of 110-115 degrees Fahrenheit. There is no mobile phone coverage outside park headquarters.

Clayton made contact via AMSAT satellite AO-92 with Kevin, KK4YEL, in Florida. During the satellite pass, stations stood by while Clayton relayed emergency traffic to Kevin. This information included details about the situation including precise latitude and longitude, the phone number for Big Bend National Park, vehicle description, and welfare of the party.

Other stations listening to the pass including Brian, KG5GJT, contacted the park headquarters. Within two hours, Park Rangers arrived on scene and recovered the stuck vehicle. No person was injured, and no equipment was damaged.

Clayton and Jack were traveling to DL88jx, a maidenhead grid square highly sought after by many ARRL VUCC members. Clayton had previously  made two successful trips to DL88jx. Both Clayton and Jack are very grateful to Kevin, KK4YEL, the responsiveness of the amateur radio community, and to the Park Rangers and staff of Big Bend National Park.

Incident discussion via Twitter quickly provided recordings of the AO-92 satellite traffic:

Recording courtesy of KQ4MM

Recording courtesy of CO6CBF/W5CBF

[ANS thanks Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, for the above information]

ANS-237 AMSAT News Service Bulletins for August 25


The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on https://amsat.org publishes news of Amateur Radio in space as soon as our volunteers can post it. Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at amsat dot org.  You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletins via the ANS List; to join this list see:  https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/ans

In this edition:

  • Second Call for AMSAT 2019 Symposium Papers
  • Volunteer Opportunity: ANS Rotating Editors Needed
  • American Communications Committee Guards 5GHz and 47 GHZ Bands
  • SatNOGS Basics to be Featured at 2019 ARRL-TAPR Conference
  • New French CEPT paper still seeks 144-146 MHz for Aeronautical
  • Another Threat to the Amateur Radio 23cm Band
  • New 144-146 Web SDR at Goonhilly Available
  • AMSAT-LU Announces Marine Buoy Testing and Tracking Project
  • Upcoming Satellite Operations
  • ARISS News
  • Satellite Shorts from All Over

Second Call for AMSAT 2019 Symposium Papers

This is the second call for papers for the 2019 AMSAT-NA Annual Meeting and Space Symposium to be held on October 18-20 at the Hilton Arlington, 950 North Stafford Street, Arlington, Virginia.

Proposals for papers, symposium presentations, and poster presentations are invited on any topic of interest to the amateur satellite community. We request a tentative title of your presentation as soon as possible, with final copy to be submitted by September 23 for inclusion in the printed proceedings. Abstracts and papers should be sent to Dan Schultz at n8fgv at amsat dot org.

[ANS thanks Dan Schultz  N8FGV for the above information.]

The July/August edition of Apogee View, a comprehensive  update on
AMSAT’s activities by AMSAT President Joe Spier, K6WAO, has been
posted to the AMSAT website at:  https://www.amsat.org/apogeeview/

Volunteer Opportunity: ANS Rotating Editors Needed

If you’re open to volunteering to help AMSAT this is your chance! We have openings for a few volunteers willing to help as an AMSAT News Service rotating editor.

Our editors work on a rotating schedule with each taking turns as the current week’s news editor. Using input received from members, the amateur radio community, officers, plus our other editors your job is to assemble the AMSAT News Service bulletin for your week. (A template is provided to help you format the message.)

If you can help contact our Senior News Service Editor, Mark Johns, K0JM via his e-mail: k0jm at amsat dot org.

American Communications Committee Guards 5GHz and 47 GHZ Bands

CITEL, the telecommunications committee of the Organization of American States, concluded a week of meetings on Friday, August 16 in Ottawa.

The meeting tries to establish common positions on agenda items which will be acted upon during the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) which begins on October 28 in Egypt.

Among the principal highlights of the week’s activities for Radio Amateurs:

For 5 GHz, twelve member states supported no change (NoC) to the existing allocations in 5725-5850 MHz and eighteen member states supported no change in the range 5850-5925 MHz as opposed to using these frequency ranges for higher-power and outdoor wireless access points.  The Amateur secondary allocation in Canada is 5650-5925 MHz.

Regarding 47 GHz, Amateurs were successful in having Mexico remove the frequency segment 47–47.2 GHz from their proposal to study several additional frequency ranges for the Fixed Satellite Service. Also, eleven member states supported no change (NoC) to the existing (Amateur Primary) allocation in 47–47.2 GHz.  Specifically, not to be considered for sharing with 5G international mobile telephony.

The French proposal to consider 144–146 MHz for sharing with the aeronautical mobile service was not on the CITEL agenda.  It will be considered next in a CEPT meeting in late August.

[ANS thanks Bryan Rawlings, VE3QN and AMSAT-UK for the above information.]

The digital download version of the 2019 edition of
Getting Started with Amateur Satellites is now available as
a DRM-free PDF from the AMSAT Store.  Get yours today!

SatNOGS Basics to be Featured at 2019 ARRL-TAPR Conference

Details on the current roster of presentations and speakers for the 2019 ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC) have been announced.  The conference takes place September 20 – 22 at the Detroit Metro Airport Marriott Hotel.

Among the many topics announced, the Sunday Seminar will be “Learn to build and operate your own SatNOGS ground station,” presented by Dan White, AD0CQ, and Corey Shields, KB9JHU. This seminar will be a hands-on, progressive tutorial, starting with the basics of a SatNOGS (Satellite Networked Open Ground Station) and ending with the development of telemetry decoders.

Familiarity with Linux and the Raspberry Pi platform is beneficial but not required. The presenters also will interact with SatNOGS web services and discuss other technologies in use such as Python, GNURadio, InfluxDB, Kaitai Structs, and Grafana. Participants should gain an understanding of how SatNOGS applications work, how to use them, and a basic familiarity with the technologies behind the scenes, should they wish to contribute to the development of the project. Participants should bring a laptop and sign up for a free account.

See all the DCC topics announced at https://tinyurl.com/ANS-237-DCC-Topics

[ANS thanks the ARRL for the above information.]

New French CEPT paper still seeks 144-146 MHz for Aeronautical

The French administration has renewed its attack on the Amateur Radio 144-146 MHz band ahead of a key CEPT ECC CPG meeting in Ankara, August 26-30.

In a paper to be considered at the conference the French Administration says it is not at this time seeking Primary status for the Aeronautical Mobile Service in 144-146 MHz, however, their intent is still that the Aeronautical Mobile Service should share the amateur 2 meter band.

It is clear where such sharing would inevitably lead, amateur operation in the band would only be tolerated if there were no interference to Aeronautical Mobile. Radio Amateurs might be subject to heavy restriction and low EIRP limits.

We can get on idea of France’s long term intent for 144 MHz from their attitude to the 1240-1300 MHz band. It was initially said the Galileo constellation could amicably share this allocation and amateur operation could continue but now France says “unregulated use of the band 1240-1300 MHz by the amateur service is a serious source of harmful interference to RNSS receivers.”

[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information.]

Another Threat to the Amateur Radio 23cm Band

A joint paper by France, Lithuania, Malta, Slovenia and The Netherlands for the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) Conference Preparatory Group (CPG) meeting on August 26-30, attacks the continued use by Radio Amateurs of its 1240-1300 MHz band.

This is the final CEPT CPG meeting in preparation for the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) to be held October 28 to November 22. This conference will define the Agenda Items for WRC-23.

Paper AI10 – Proposal on AS-RNSS says: Galileo is close to full operational capability and its E6 signals in the band 1260-1300 MHz will support new services such as the free-to-use Galileo High Accuracy Service, and also robust authentication, expected to be used by a variety of applications including autonomous vehicles and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Several cases of interference to Galileo E6 receivers from amateur service emissions have occurred in the recent past, sometimes at significant distance, and have taken several hours or even days to be eliminated. There is therefore a serious concern that as Galileo E6 receivers are deployed and used more widely, cases of interference from amateur stations will rapidly grow in number.

A WRC-23 agenda item is necessary to address this issue because:

  1. Unregulated use of the band 1240-1300 MHz by the amateur service is a serious source of harmful interference to RNSS receivers. This is demonstrated by experience.
  2. The number of Galileo receivers in 1260-1300 MHz will increase dramatically, and interference cases will multiply if not addressed timely.
  3. Galileo and other RNSS systems will deploy at global scale, and interference scenario between amateur emissions and RNSS receivers include cross-border cases. The issue is therefore of international nature and is to be addressed in the ITU framework.
  4. Galileo is a major European asset, and a decision at WRC-23 is essential to be compatible with the road map of deployment of Galileo receivers in this band.

[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information.]

The Fox-In-A-Box Raspberry Pi SD card for setting up a Raspberry Pi-based
telemetry station for the Fox-1 satellites now supports the Raspberry Pi4.
Get yours today on the AMSAT Store!

New 144-146 Web SDR at Goonhilly Available

AMSAT-UK and the British Amateur Television Club have announced the availability of a new 144-146 MHz Web-based Software Defined Radio installation at Goonhilly.

This is being provided in collaboration with Goonhilly Earth Station where it is kindly hosted alongside the existing receiving equipment for the amateur radio transponders on the Qatar-Oscar-100 (QO-100/Es’hail-2) geostationary satellite.

It shares the same Turnstile antenna that is used for the reception of the AO73, EO88 & JO97 CubeSats.

Being located in the far South West of the UK, it is anticipated the SDR will be useful for early Acquisition of Signal (AOS) of 144 MHz downlinks from amateur satellites and the International Space Station (ISS). Additionally it can be used for reception of tropospheric signals from the south – the Spanish beacon ED1ZAG on 144.403 MHz has been already been heard on the system.

The new 144 MHz band WebSDR is available at  https://vhf-goonhilly.batc.org.uk/

The AMSAT-UK / BATC 10 GHz WebSDR for QO-100 is still available at  https://eshail.batc.org.uk/

[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information.]

AMSAT-LU Announces Marine Buoy Testing and Tracking Project

AMSAT-LU plans to test their marine buoy system on August 31 in the Lagoon of Pehuajó. The city is 375 km from Buenos Aires and 500 km from Mar del Plata, Argentina. Operational nets are planned to be on 144.930 MHz FM and 7.095 MHz LSB.

The buoy is powered with batteries and solar cells for long-term operation using APRS and WSPR transmissions:

Solar power equipped super pressure balloons also transmitting WSPR packets are planned to be tested.

The buoy is planned for deployment in the Atlantic Ocean next summer. Land-based test transmissions from Buenos Aires are already operational.

AMSAT-LU has posted details at: Details: http://amsat.org.ar/?f=boya

[ANS thanks AMSAT-LU for the above information]

Upcoming Satellite Operations

Help Celebrate AMSAT’s 50th Anniversary with these “W3ZM on the Road” Operations:

W3ZM/7Aug 24-25AZDM41, DM51/52 KF7RFM & Linear
W3ZM/5Aug 29MSEM43KE4ALFM & Linear
  • N7MJ Roving 11 State Tour – WY, NE, IA, IL, KY, TN, AR, OK, TX, NM, AZ, August 25th – September 9th, 2019.
    Jack N7MJ is heading out (in his Vette) on a 2 weeks road trip from Cheyenne, WY to the big 25th Anniversary Celebration of the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY, (August 28-31). Then he will head through TN to AR (EM34) for a family gathering 9/3-4, the another family gathering 9/4-5 in Atoka, OK EM14/24). With the partying over, down through TX and NM and end up in Chandler, AZ. FM only.
  • Way Up in the Northeast (GN27, GN26, GN37)  Aug 26 – Sept 7, 2019 
    Chris, VE3FU will be in GN27 August 26-30 and will try to make a trip to GN26, possibly on the GN26/27 line.  He will be in GN37 again) August 30-September 7.  Chris will be operating as VO2AC/1 and try to announce operating times on Twitter as far ahead as possible. https://twitter.com/ChrisVE3FU.
  • Road to Oklahoma (EM52, EM43/44, EM34, EM35, EM25, EM26) Aug  29 – Sep 1, 2019 
    Robert KE4AL is heading to Oklahoma (EM26).  Plan is to stop in EM52 Thursday (1800 ish UTC) and get on the air from Mississippi as W3ZM/4.  Next up will EM43/44 line around 2330Z and spend the night in EM34.  Friday will be a trip up through Little Rock onto I-40 with stops in EM35 and EM25.  Follow KE4AL on aprs.fi and keep an eye on Robert’s Twitter feed for specific pass times.  https://twitter.com/KE4ALabama 
  • Mississippi (EM42) Aug 31 – Sep 1, 2019 
    Brian, KG5GJT is taking the Casita and his Mamacita on a little trip to EM42. This is a family vacation, so Brian will Tweet passes before they come up. Watch https://twitter.com/KG5GJT
  • Peru – August 31 – September 7, 2019 
    Tony, KD8RTT will be in Peru Saturday night, August 31 and leave on Saturday, September 7.  FM passes, mainly AO-91 and AO-92, vacation schedule permitting.  Tony is not exactly sure what days/times he can operate yet, but he’ll try to tweet before he gets on any passes.  https://twitter.com/kd8rtt
  • AM1SAT (All Grids in Spain)  September 9-15, 2019 
    AMSAT-EA will be transmitting its special call AM1SAT via all active satellites from September 9th to September 15th as part of the V RadioHam Fair IberRadio 2019 activities. IberRadio is the biggest event for the ham community in SouthWest Europe and will open doors September 14th and 15th . Learn more about IberRadio at http://www.iberradio.es. The AM1SAT call sign will be active from a minimum of 14 different grids during that time to help satellite operators to collect as much EA locators as possible. As part of this activity and in order to promote the participation, AMSAT-EA is sponsoring the AM1SAT Special Award in two categories, Silver and Gold.  More info available at https://www.amsat-ea.org/  and as a pdf at https://tinyurl.com/ANS-237-AM1SAT-Award.

[ANS thanks Robert Bankston, KE4AL for the above information.]


There are no scheduled school contacts to report at this time.

AMSAT and ARISS are currently supporting a FundRazr campaign to raise
$150,000 for critical radio infrastructure upgrades on ISS. The upgrades are
necessary to enable students to continue to talk to astronauts in space via
Amateur Radio. We have reached a great milestone with $33,250 raised or about
17% towards our goal. This would not have been possible without your
outstanding generosity!!
For more information and to DONATE TODAY visit:

Shorts from All Over

  • A0-40: A GPS Pioneer
    The GPS III SV02 satellite launched on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019. GPS III SVs are designed to introduce new capabilities to meet higher demands of both military and civilian users. AMSAT-OSCAR 40 was launched on November 16, 2000.  It carried a GPS experiment that helped to validate above-the-constellation use of GPS and influenced the design of the Block III GPS satellites. For more details see https://tinyurl.com/ANS-237-AO-40.
  • Ruth Willet KM4LAO Joins the ICQ Podcast Team
    Keen amateur satellite user Ruth Willet KM4LAO @KM4Ruth has joined the ICQ Podcast team.  The latest podcast covers the news that AMSAT member 12-year-old Marissa Robledo W4AQT is the recipient of the 2019 ARRL Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham Award.  Hear it at https://tinyurl.com/ANS-237-Ruth-Willet   [ANS thanks icqpodcast.com and AMSAT-UK for the above information.]
  • TAPR Announces Funds for Student Attendance at DCC
    Thanks to a generous grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, TAPR is able to fund attendance at the DCC for a limited number of students. To nominate a deserving student for an all-expense-paid trip to the DCC, submit a nomination at taproffice at tapr dot org.
    [ANS thanks the ARRL for the above information.]
  • Ideas sought for the next FUNcube satellite
    In November the FUNcube-1 CubeSat will have been in orbit for 6 years and the FUNcube team are now soliciting suggestions for the next satellite. The team are looking for suggestions for:+ Conformation of the satellite (2U / 3U)
    + Orbit (LEO / MEO)
    + STEM Outreach
    + Amateur Radio Payloads
    + Research PayloadsPlease email your ideas to funcube-next at funcube dot org dot uk.
    [ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information.]
  • NASA Releases Study On Commercial Space Economy
    New insights from companies in the growing space economy are helping NASA chart a course for the future of commercial human spaceflight in low-Earth orbit.Input the companies provided to NASA as part of the studies will inform NASA’s future policies to support commercial activities that enable a robust low-Earth orbit economy.NASA selected twelve companies to complete studies about the commercialization of low-Earth orbit and the International Space Station, assessing the potential growth of a low-Earth orbit economy and how to best stimulate private demand for commercial human spaceflight  Read the complete story at https://tinyurl.com/ANS-237-Report. [ANS thanks SpaceRef-Business for the above information.]


In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President’s Club. Members of the President’s Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT office.

Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of six post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT office for additional student membership information.

73 and Remember to help keep amateur radio in space,
This week’s ANS Editor,
Frank Karnauskas, N1UW
n1uw at amsat dot org



AMSAT Member Marissa Robledo, W4AQT, Named 2019 ARRL Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham

Marissa, W4AQT

The ARRL Alabama Section Manager, JVann Martin Sr, W4JVM, shared exciting news about our youth involvement in Amateur Radio!

This year, the ARRL Alabama Youth Committee is pleased to announce the 2019 ARRL Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham Award recipient. This particular Amateur Radio operator gazes at and studies the skies almost daily. She has a deep interest in satellite communication and loves sharing that interest with others. Her passion is evident in awards she has received, forums where she has presented, along with the activities in which she participates.

The 2019 Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham Award goes to: Marissa Robledo W4AQT

Marissa is a twelve year old General class license-holder who lives in Montgomery, AL and is devoted to consistently learning and growing in the great hobby of Amateur Radio. She exhibits enthusiasm, knowledge, and rapid growth in many areas of Amateur Radio and we are proud to have her representing our hobby as this year’s Alabama Outstanding Amateur Youth!

Please join us at the 2019 Huntsville Hamfest on August 17th, 2019 at 12:30pm for the formal presentation of this award to a deserving young Amateur Radio operator.

Congratulations Marissa! Keep up the great work and fun you are creating using Amateur Radio. See you in Huntsville.

Alabama Outstanding Youth Committee wishes to thank everyone for your nominations for 2019.

Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO
Alabama Section Youth Coordinator

ANS-216 AMSAT News Service Bulletins for August 4


The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on https://amsat.org publishes news of Amateur Radio in space as soon as our volunteers can post it. Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at amsat dot org.  You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletins via the ANS List; to join this list see:  https://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/ans

In this edition:

  • CAS-7B Designated BIT Progress-OSCAR 102 (BO-102)
  • AMSAT and ARISS Designing Amateur Radio System for Lunar Gateway
  • ARISS SSTV Owen Garriott Event Underway
  • AMSAT Member Named Young Ham of the Year
  • AMSAT member Wins Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham Award
  • ARISS Next Gen System Completes Critical Flight Certification Tests
  • Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
  • VUCC Awards-Endorsements for July 2019
  • LightSail 2 Successfully Demonstrates Flight by Light
  • Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for August 2, 2019
  • Upcoming Satellite Operations
  • Satellite Shorts From All Over

CAS-7B Designated BIT Progress-OSCAR 102 (BO-102)

On July 25, 2019, the CAS-7B (BP-1B) microsatellite was launched on a Hyperbola-1 launch vehicle from the Jiuquan Space Center, China. CAS-7B (BP-1B) was developed by the Chinese Amateur Satellite Group (CAMSAT), and in cooperation with the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). CAMSAT completed the project planning, design, build, and testing, and manages the on-orbit operation of the satellite. BIT provided the satellite environmental testing, launch support, and financial support. Many students from BIT were involved with the project, learning about satellite technology and amateur radio. The satellite carries a CW telemetry beacon and FM repeater that has been active since launch.

At the request of CAMSAT and the BIT team, AMSAT hereby designates CAS-7B (BP-1B) as BIT Progress-OSCAR 102 (BO-102). We congratulate the owners and operators of BO-102, thank them for their contribution to the amateur satellite community, and wish them continued success on this and future projects.

[ANS thanks Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, AMSAT VP Operations and OSCAR  Number Administrator, for the above information]

AMSAT and ARISS Designing Amateur Radio System for Lunar Gateway

As announced at the AMSAT Forun at the Dayton Hamvention, AMSAT and ARISS are working on the design of a ham radio system for NASA’s Lunar Gateway. The Gateway will be a small spaceship in orbit around the Moon that will provide access to more of the lunar surface than ever before with living quarters for astronauts, a lab for science and research, ports for visiting spacecraft, and more. First sections of the Gateway are scheduled for launch in 2022.

To make this happen we are leveraging the work and expertise of the world-wide AMSAT organizations and the international ARISS community in this endeavor. We have an international team working this and are meeting 2x a month to mature the concept. In May we presented our solid concept to NASA and got great, positive feedback. This was followed up a few weeks later at the ARISS-I meeting at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in Montreal where we received great feedback from the CSA Gateway Program Manager after he saw our presentation.

The AREx (Amateur Radio Exploration) team have done some really good work. The challenge for amateurs will be on the order of a 30 dB signal path loss as compared to LEO. But the link margins on our design seem to close.

AMSAT NA, UK & DL and ARISS-together — are working this phenomenal ham radio challenge.  Come to the AMSAT-NA Symposium in DC to hear more.

[ANS thanks Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, AMSAT V.P. for Human Spaceflight  Programs, for the above information]

 The 50th Anniversary AMSAT Space Symposium will be held
October 18-20 in Arlington, VA. For details, see:

ARISS SSTV Owen Garriott Event Underway

ARISS celebrates the life and accomplishments of astronaut, scientist and ham radio pioneer Owen Garriott with a commemorative SSTV event featuring images from Garriott’s work with ham radio during his missions in space.

The event began on August 1 at 09:40 UTC and is scheduled to end at 18:15 UTC on August 4. There are currently twelve separate images being sent at 145.800 MHz FM in the SSTV mode PD-120. As always, activities are subject to change dictated by the crew’s schedule.

Once received, images can be posted and viewed by the public at http://www.spaceflightsoftware.com/ARISS_SSTV/index.php and users can receive a special SSTV ARISS Award for posting images. See https://ariss.pzk.org.pl/sstv/ for details.

Also for simplicity, a new information tab for SSTV events has been added to the ARISS website, under the General Contacts pulldown menu at www.ariss.org. The latest updates can also be found at the ARISS Facebook site Amateur Radio On The International Space Station (ARISS) and on Twitter @ ARISS_status.

[ANS thanks ARISS and Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, for the above information]

AMSAT Member Named Young Ham of the Year

Dhruv Rebba, KC9ZJX, of Normal, Illinois, has been selected as the 2019 Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year. Dhruv, 15, is the son of Hari Rebba, VU2SPZ, and Shailaja Panyam. He is entering his sophomore year at the Normal Community High School this fall.

He is a member of the Central Illinois Radio Club. Dhruv earned his Technician Class license in 2013 when he was only 9 years old. He followed it up by passing the test for a General Class license a year later. Dhruv says his interest in amateur radio was sparked by a 2013 visit to the Dayton Hamvention(R) with his father, a long-time amateur radio operator from India who settled in the U.S.

“He was going to the Hamvention and so I wanted to tag along,” Dhruv recalls. “There I got to see all the cool stuff like the Morse-Code keyers and all the radios and everything and I decided to start studying for my Technician class.”

After getting his license, Dhruv became involved in Field Days and public service events with the Central Illinois Radio Club, including the “We Care Twin Cities Marathon” and the “Hop on for Hope Bike Ride/Walk.” Dhruv says he found a way to combine his interest in space and engineering with his new hobby. He joined AMSAT (Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation) and pursued his dream of a school contact with an astronaut aboard the International Space Station.

In October 2017, he served as the lead control operator for an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with students at his school – the Chiddix Junior High School in Normal, IL – with astronaut Joe Acaba, KE5DAR. In late July of this year, Dhruv helped to facilitate another ARISS contact with international Scouts attending the World Jamboree in West Virginia and monitored the contact from his home.

ARISS presentations at Dayton and Huntsville, his selection as an ARISS mentor and networking with those putting together the ARISS contact for the World Jamboree led to his role in the July 2019 contact. In 2018, Dhruv was selected for the Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure. He traveled to Curacao Island in July 2018 where the PJ2Y team made a record 6,262 contacts with 135 countries over five days. Dhruv says he enjoyed operating his favorite mode, SSB. Dhruv has earned many accolades for his amateur radio pursuits including the “Young Ham Lends A Hand” award at the 2019 Dayton Hamvention Youth Forum; “Presidential Award” from AMSAT; and the “Young Achievers Award” from the Radio Club of America.

He also has traveled to India to promote amateur radio awareness and spoke at the ZPH School, NP Kunta, India in January 2018. He discussed the importance of wireless communications and their role during disasters.  Dhruv started the “Universal Help Foundation” to help underprivileged students on a global scale. Among his first projects was a digital project at a girls’ high school in NP Kunta, India this past January.   Dhruv also has an interest in robotics and has worked as a mentor helping elementary school students build robots. This past April, Dhruv’s “MetalCow Robotics” team finished fourth overall in the international competition sponsored by NASA in Detroit.

Dhruv says a visit to the AMSAT booth at the 2019 Dayton Hamvention prompted him to sign on for the “Amateur Radio Exploration on the Moon” project.   “We’re designing an amateur radio system to be on the Gateway Space Station and the Moon,” he says.   Dhruv will be recognized during the Huntsville Hamfest on Aug. 17 in the Von Braun Center, Huntsville AL.

The Young Ham of the Year was inaugurated by William Pasternak, WA6ITF, in 1986. Upon his passing in 2015, Bill’s name was added to the award as a memorial to his commitment to recognizing the accomplishments of young people to the amateur radio service. Amateur Radio Newsline, CQ Magazine and Yaesu USA are primary sponsors of the award, along with Heil Sound Ltd. and Radiowavz Antenna Company.

[ANS thanks CQ Communications, Inc. for the above information]

AMSAT member Wins Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham Award

The 2019 Alabama Outstanding Youth Ham Award goes to Marissa Robledo, W4AQT. This particular Amateur Radio operator gazes at and studies the skies almost daily. She has a deep interest in satellite communication and loves sharing that interest with others. Her passion is evident in awards she has received, forums where she has presented, along with the activities in which she participates.

Marissa is a twelve year old General class license-holder who lives in Montgomery, AL and is devoted to consistently learning and growing in the great hobby of Amateur Radio. She exhibits enthusiasm, knowledge, and rapid growth in many areas of Amateur Radio.

The formal presentation of this award will take place at the 2019 Huntsville Hamfest on August 17th, 2019 at 12:30 p.m.

[ANS thanks Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO, Alabama Section Youth Coordinator, for the above information]

ARISS Next Gen System Completes Critical Flight Certification Tests

The Interoperable Radio System (IORS), ARISS’ next generation radio system successfully completed a battery of stressful tests required as part of the final certification of the hardware for launch to and operation on the International Space Station.

During the week of July 8, the IORS, consisting of the JVC Kenwood D-710GA Radio and the AMSAT developed Multi-Voltage Power Supply, successfully completed a series of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)/ Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) tests to ensure that the ARISS hardware will not interfere with the ISS systems or other payloads. Testing continued into the following week, where the IORS successfully passed power quality and acoustics testing. These tests verified that the ARISS IORS will not introduce harmful signals back into the ISS power system and is quiet enough to meet ISS acoustic requirements. ARISS Hardware Team members Lou McFadin, W5DID and Kerry Banke, N6IZW were at the NASA Johnson Space Center supporting this two week battery of tests in concert with the NASA test and certification team.

Kerry Banke states, “Since the IORS is being qualified to operate on 120VDC, 28VDC and Russian 28VDC as well as transmitting on VHF or UHF, a lot of test combinations were required to cover all cases. Each input voltage type was also tested at low, medium and high line voltage. Moreover, additional permutations were required to test the IORS under no load, medium load and full load at each voltage level. So it should not be surprising why the tests took two weeks to complete.”

Successful completion of these tests represents a key milestone in preparing the IORS for launch. ARISS can now begin final assembly of the flight safety certification in preparation for launch. ARISS is working towards launch ready status by the end of the year.

[ANS thanks ARISS for the above information]

AMSAT and ARISS are currently supporting a FundRazr campaign to raise
$150,000 for critical radio infrastructure upgrades on ISS. The upgrades are
necessary to enable students to continue to talk to astronauts in space via
Amateur Radio. We have reached a great milestone with $33,250 raised or about
17% towards our goal. This would not have been possible without your
outstanding generosity!!
For more information and to DONATE TODAY visit:

 Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule

Quick list of scheduled contacts and events as of 2019-07-30 03:00 UTC:

Kyoto Tachibana Junior & Senior High School, Kyoto, Japan, direct via 8N3KT. The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS. The scheduled astronaut is Nick Hague KG5TMV. Contact is go for: Thu 2019-08-08 at 10:36:37 UTC 56 degrees maximum elevation.

[ANS thanks ARISS for the above information]

VUCC Awards-Endorsements for July 2019

Here are the endorsements and new VUCC Satellite Awards issued by the ARRL for the period July 1, 2019 through August 1, 2019. Congratulations to all those who made the list this month!

CallJuly 1August 1

If you find errors or omissions. please contact W5RKN. This list was developed by comparing the ARRL .pdf listings for the two months. It’s a visual comparison so omissions are possible. Apologies if your call was omitted. Thanks to all those who are roving to grids that are rarely on the birds. They are doing most of the work!

[ANS thanks Ron Parsons, W5RKN, for the above information]

LightSail 2 Successfully Demonstrates Flight by Light

The Planetary Society’s crowdfunded LightSail 2 spacecraft is successfully raising its orbit solely on the power of sunlight.

Since unfurling the spacecraft’s silver solar sail last week, mission managers have been optimizing the way the spacecraft orients itself during solar sailing. After a few tweaks, LightSail 2 began raising its orbit around the Earth. In the past 4 days, the spacecraft has raised its orbital high point, or apogee, by about 2 kilometers. The mission team has confirmed the apogee increase can only be attributed to solar sailing, meaning LightSail 2 has successfully completed its primary goal of demonstrating flight by light for CubeSats.

On Monday, July 29, LightSail 2 sent home a new full-resolution image captured by its camera during solar sail deployment. The perspective is opposite to last week’s full-resolution image and shows the sail more fully deployed. LightSail 2’s aluminized Mylar sail shines against the blackness of space, with the Sun peeking through near a sail boom.

LightSail 2 uses the callsign WM9XPA and transmits its beacon on 437.025 MHz, AX.25, FSK, 9600 bps. Beacon parameters and more information on the spacecraft may be found at: https://tinyurl.com/y5r6758v

[ANS thanks The Planetary Society for the above information]

Purchase AMSAT gear on our Zazzle storefront. 25% of the purchase
price of each product goes towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space


Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution for August 2, 2019

    The following Amateur Radio satellite has decayed from orbit and has been removed from this week’s TLE distribution.

TANYUSHA 1 – NORAD CAT ID 42911 – Decayed 07/30/2019 (per Space-Track)

The following Amateur Radio satellites have been added to this week’s TLE distribution.
PSAT 2     – NORAD CAT ID 44354 (per Space-Track)
BRICsat 2  – NORAD CAT ID 44355 (per Space-Track)
Oculus-ASR – NORAD CAT ID 44356 (per Space-Track)
CP9        – NORAD CAT ID 44360 (per Space-Track)
Move-IIb   – NORAD CAT ID 44398 (per Nico Janssen, PA0DLO) SONATE     – NORAD CAT ID 44400 (per Nico Janssen, PA0DLO)

The following Amateur Radio satellites have a name change in this week’s TLE distribution.

CAS-7B has now been designated as BIT Progress-OSCAR 102 (BO-102) by AMSAT per the request of CAMSAT and the BIT team. Also the temporary CAT ID 99999 has been replaced by the NORAD CAT ID 44443. Note that this is the current best guess CAT ID for BO-102. Also the TLE drag number for BO-102 has been rapidly increasing and is now at 0.01093482. BO-102 is expected to decay from orbit in about eight days.

Object A (NORAD CAT ID 44339) is now identified as Prox-1.

[ANS thanks Ray Hoad, WA5QGD, AMSAT Orbital Elements Manager for the above information]

Upcoming Satellite Operations

CY9 St. Paul Island (FN97) – July 31 to August 8, 2019
CY9C will be on St. Paul Island July 31st through August 8th. This is an all bands/mode dxpedition, with EME and Sats as well.  More info available at http://cy9c.com/index.html.

Florida Keys (EL95) August 4-11, 2019
Philippe, EA4NF will be operating from EL95 (Key Largo and Brickell Key) as KC3NSG, from August 4 to 11, 2019.  FM and Linears.  QSL via LOTW. LoTW.  Keep an eye on Philippe’s Twitter feed for further updates: https://twitter.com/EA4NF_SAT.

Washington Invasion (CN96/96 & DN06/07/17/17) – August 9-10, 2019
Casey, KI7UNJ, will be heading North to invade the State of Washington, August 9th and 10th. Keep an eye on Casey’s Twitter feed for specific pass announcements: https://twitter.com/KI7UNJ

St Pierre et Miquelon (GN16) – August 10-18, 2019
A DXpedition is planned to St Pierre et Miquelon, August 10th through the 18th. The team will operate as T05M will from Ile aux Marins on 6-160m, but there is a possibility of some FM Satellites. Keep an eye on their website for updates: http://fp2019.net/

Santa Rosa Island, CA (CM93) – August 12-14, 2019
Ron, AD0DX, is heading back to Santa Rosa Island, August 12th -14th. When not distracted by the feathered-birds, Ron will be on FM and linear satellites as W6R.  Keep an eye on Ron’s Twitter feed for updates at the dates get closer.  https://twitter.com/ad0dx

Goose Bay, Labrador (FO93) August 12-14, 2019
Chris, VE3FU, will be visiting family / friends and maintenance of his HF remote station in FO93, but he should be on the FM sats as VO2AC. Chris will try to post here before each pass, so keep an eye on his Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/ChrisVE3FU

6Y – Jamaica (FK18) August 12-19, 2019
Philippe, EA4NF will be operating from JAMAICA (IOTA NA-097 – Grid FK18) in Satellite with the special call 6Y4NF from August 12 to 19, 2019.  QRV Satellite in FM and SSB.  QSL via LoTW.  Keep an eye on Philippe’s Twitter feed for further updates : https://twitter.com/EA4NF_SAT.

Please submit any additions or corrections to ke4al (at) amsat.org

Remember to check out W3ZM On the Road for additional upcoming activations! https://www.amsat.org/events/was-w3zm/

[ANS thanks Robert Bankston, KE4AL, for the above information.]

Satellite Shorts From All Over

The Space Communicator Club of Las Flores, Calif. provide a public   website for monitoring Satellite APRS Packets received in the most   recent 24 hour period: http://spaceCommunicator.club/aprs   (ANS thanks Robert MacHale, KE6BLR, for the above information)

The Federal Communications Commission voted on August 1 to create a new licensing category for small satellite companies that will   dramatically reduce launch fees. Full story at: https://tinyurl.com/y4k588ko   (ANS thanks Texas Public Radio for the above information)

SpaceX’s robotic Dragon cargo capsule arrived at the International Space Station on July 27, setting a new record for SpaceX’s reusable spacecraft. The Dragon, which launched July 25 from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Air Force Station atop a two-stage Falcon 9 rocket, was on its third mission to space.   (ANS thanks Space.com for the above information)

W3XO, the call sign held by former AMSAT President Bill Tynan (SK) has been issued to the Hill Country Amateur Radio Club of Kerrville, Texas, as a memorial. Bill was a leading member and past president of that club, as well as of AMSAT.   (ANS thanks Ray Soifer, W2RS, for the above information)

Ballots for the 2019 AMSAT Board of Directors election have been   mailed. Candidate statements may be found at https://www.amsat.org/2019-board-statements/

Hackaday, an online journal for technical experimenters, published   an article about the history of the AO-7 satellite on August 2. It   can be read at:   https://tinyurl.com/yyy5oapn   (ANS thanks hackaday.com for the above information)

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President’s Club. Members of the President’s Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT office.

Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of six post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT office for additional student membership information.

73 and Remember to help keep amateur radio in space,
This week’s ANS Editor,
K0JM at amsat dot org