AMSAT is Moving at Dayton, but not very far!

This year there will be some changes in the Ball Arena, and the AMSAT exhibit will be part of that change.  For the past several years, we have been is a single line, directly across from the ARRL exhibit.  Beginning this year, we will have a 3 X 3 booth arrangement, with the engineering and software display on one side of the aisle, and the donation and display area on the opposite side.  The booth numbers are now 444-446 and 433-435.  We will be very near the old exhibit area, within sight of the ARRL exhibit. The new Ball Arena layout should make access to all the exhibits easier.

A PDF file of the Hara Convention Center, including the new Ball Arena layout can be found here.

March/April 2013 AMSAT Journal

Page_1The AMSAT Journal Editorial team is in the process of wrapping up a few final details and that means the March/April 2013 issue is heading for the print shop in a few days.

Thanks for all the help from our Journal Editorial Team:

  • Douglas Quagliana – KA2UPW/5
  • Mike Sedlak – K4ERA
  • Bernhard Jatzeck  – VA6BMJ
  • Bill Hook – W3QBC
  • Martha at the AMSAT Office.

The AMSAT Journal is pleased to publish your articles and photos of satellite operations and all aspects of amateur radio in space. Send your ideas, questions and contributions to [email protected].


AMSAT Recruiting Dayton Booth Volunteers

The 2013 Dayton Hamvention, sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association will be held this year on May 17-19, 2013.  “Dayton” is the largest hamfest in the United States, and AMSAT will be there again this year.  You can assist AMSAT by volunteering to help staff the booth.  While there, you will meet other AMSAT members, interact with the satellite designers, builders, and operators, and enjoy all that Dayton has to offer.

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