AMSAT Journal Mailing Glitch

The June/July issue of the Journal is now arriving.  Members with sharp eyes have noticed that while the address is correct, the name, callsign, and membership status are incorrect.  This was caused by a problem with the printer software.  They have been very apologetic, and have assured us the problem has been solved. There is no need to contact the AMSAT office since they are aware of the issue, and the membership data is correct in their records.

Fox-1 Z Axis Solar Panels Approved

The AMSAT Fox engineering team has completed the design of the printed circuit boards for the satellite's "Z" solar panels. Each of these printed circuit boards (PCBs) will accommodate two Boeing/Spectrolab UTJ solar cells. There is a hole in the panel for the lens of the Camera module that is being developed by  Virginia Tech. A sample PCB was fabricated and sent to our partner SpaceQuest who approved it for manufacturing into our solar panels.

The AMSAT Fox engineering team has completed the design of the printed circuit boards for the satellite’s “Z” axis solar panels. Each of these printed circuit boards (PCBs) will accommodate two Boeing/Spectrolab UTJ solar cells.There is a hole in the panel for the lens of the Camera module that is being developed by Virginia Tech. A sample PCB was fabricated and sent to our partner SpaceQuest who approved it for manufacturing into our solar panels.

[ANS thanks Tony Monteiro, AA2TX, VP for Engineering for the above information]

HamRadioNow AMSAT Fox-1 Interview Now Online

At Hamvention 2013, AMSAT’s VP for Engineering Tony Monteiro, AA2TX, and VP for Education Outreach Mark Hammond, N8MH, sat down with HamRadioNow to talk about the upcoming Fox-1 satellite.  So sit back and learn why “The Whale HTs Don’t Have PL.”


AMSAT is grateful to Gary Pearce, KN4AQ, and HAMRADIONOW.TV for making this available.

Categories Fox

2013 AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Ballot In The Mail

This year there are eight candidates running for the AMSAT-NA Board of Directors.  The four candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be seated as voting Board Members with two year terms.  The two candidates receiving the next highest number of votes will be non-voting Alternate Board Members with terms of one year.  Please vote for no more than four candidates.

Ballots will be mailed to members in good standing by July 15th, and must be returned to the AMSAT-NA office no later than the close of business on September 15th, 2013. If you have not received your ballot by August 5th, please contact the AMSAT Office. Ballots sent to members outside North America are automatically sent via air mail.  It is suggested that they be returned the same way.

AMSAT-NA Board candidates in alphabetical order by last name:

Barry Baines, WD4ASW
Alan Biddle, WA4SCA
Steve Coy, K8UD
Frank Griffin, K4FEG
Mark Hammond, N8MH
Brian Klofas, KF6ZEO
JoAnne Maenpaa, K9JKM
Tony Monteiro, AA2TX

[ANS thanks the AMSAT Office for the above information]