RadFxSat (Fox-1B) Launch Date is Now Scheduled for March 16, 2017

The RadFxSat (Fox-1B) launch date has been moved, and is now scheduled for March 16, 2017.

RadFxSat will ride as one of the ELaNa XIV secondary payloads aboard the NASA JPSS-1 launch on a ULA Delta II rocket.

The launch will be at Vandenberg AFB, California.  It is one of only two remaining Delta II planned to be launched.

The RadFxSat mission is a partnership with Vanderbilt Institute for Space and Defense Electronics (ISDE) that will study space radiation effects on commercial off the shelf memory.  The experiments are carried aboard the AMSAT Fox-1B CubeSat and experiment data will be carried in the subaudible telemetry stream of the Fox-1B FM repeater along with the CubeSat telemetry data.  The telemetry can be decoded and displayed with the AMSAT FoxTelem software.

[ANS thanks Jerry Buxton, N0JY AMSAT Vice President, Engineering
for the above information]

The RadFxSat (Fox-1B) flight model undergoes testing in the Fox Labs.
The RadFxSat (Fox-1B) flight model undergoes testing in the Fox Labs.

2016 AMSAT Symposium Registration Reminder

** Booking your Carnival Cruise does not register you for the AMSAT
Symposium **
There is a charge for each Symposium attendee of $40. This fee
applies to those who will attend the technical presentations only and includes a copy of the printed Proceedings.Additional guests are entitled to attend all other events. The registration form is available from the AMSAT office or store website.

Online Symposium registration:

** Ground transportation options have been added to the FAQ page on
the AMSAT Symposium web page**
Carnival offers round-trip. Transportation from HOU airport to the cruise terminal at approximately $74 per person, IAH airport $94 per person. If you are traveling to the Board of Directors meeting, you may still utilize the Carnival transportation option for your return
to the airport from the cruise terminal. However, you will need to obtain other transportation between the airport and the Galveston DoubleTree hotel.

Cruise information may be found at:

4U1UN as 4U70UN on satellite October 24-25

4u1unWord has been received, that, in celebration of the UN’s 70th
anniversary, 4U1UN will be activated as 4U70UN on Saturday 24 and Sunday
25 October. The operation by the UN ARC will be from the ground-level
garden area within the UNHQ complex in New York City and will be limited
to daylight hours. Satellite operation is included in the plans, but
time and equipment limitations will exist. Blockage from high rise
buildings toward the West is expected. Best passes will be to the East
of FN30as and North/South overhead. Possible satellites in view may be
AO-73, FO-29, AO-85, AO-7, SO-50, XW-2E and XW-2F. Note that 4U1UN is a
separate DXCC entity. See QRZ.COM for QSL info.

CAMSAT XW-2(CAS-3) satellites launch 18SEP2015 2300Z

SUCCESS! A multitude of satellites were heard on the first pass over the US!

Congratulations to CAMSAT and all parties involved!

Latest estimated keps:


From AMSAT-bb:

The launch postponed by one day due to technical reasons, will be at UTC
23:00:00 on 2015-09-19

Launch time: UTC 23:00:00 2015-09-19

The satellites will be separated from rocket at UTC 23:15:14 2015-09-19

Alan, BA1DU


The CAMSAT XW-2(CAS-3) cluster launch of 9 or more amateur radio satellites is CAS3Ascheduled for 23:00Z on September 18th, 2015, or late afternoon/early evening Friday night in the US. The launch is on the maiden flight of the Long March 6 vehicle, from the Taiyuan launch complex.

Satellite separation is planned for 23:15:14 UTC, and the first orbit has the cluster passing over the central US at approximately 00:05Z – 00:23Z XW-2 1st pass19SEP2015.








CAMSAT CEO Alan Kung, BA1DU provided preliminary keplerian elements for the launch via AMSAT-BB:

1 99999U          15261.96885740  .00004980  00000-0  28369-3 0 00000
2 99999 097.4712 269.8396 0010382 266.0521 270.6645 15.12847582000010

Frequencies may be referenced from a PDF document also provided by BA1DU. Some satellite frequencies fall outside the international amateur satellite bandplan, so please be aware of local terrestrial users:

                                                  XW-2CAS-3 Sats

See also our previous post at http://www.amsat.org/wordpress/?p=4181

Alan Biddle, WA4SCA created a series of SatPC32 Doppler.sqf file entries for the known satellites. Please be aware that the individual satellite names may differ, and additional modification of the entries may be required to work with future or the above elements.

CAS-3A,145640,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3A,145660.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3B,145705,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3B,145725.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3C,145770,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3C,145790.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3D,145835,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3D,145855.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3E,145890,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3E,145910.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3F,145955,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3F,145975.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon

CAS-3G,145475,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM
CAS-3G,437950,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM

CAS-3H,437200.0,0,USB,,0,CW Beacon
CAS-3H,437225.0,144350.0,FM,FM,NOR,0,0,FM VOICE

CAS-3I,437000,0,FM,,,0,Digital TLM

Good luck to CAMSAT on the launch, and please send reception reports to                          [email protected] or #amsat on Twitter.