AMSAT President Joe Spier, K6WAO, to appear on Ham Nation September 26th

AMSAT President Joe Spier, K6WAO, will appear on Ham Nation’s September 26, 2018 episode (#369) with Gordon West, WB6NOA. Joe is scheduled to discuss the latest news from AMSAT and ARISS.

Ham Nation records live every Wednesday at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific / 01:00 (Thu) UTC and can be viewed at

AMSAT President Joe Spier, K6WAO


2018 AMSAT Board of Directors Election Results

As a result of the 2018 Board of Directors Election, Tom Clark,  K3IO; Mark Hammond, N8MH; and Bruce Paige, KK5DO; will serve on  the board for two years.

The First Alternate is Peter Portanova, W2JV. The Second Alternate  is Scott Harvey, KA7FVV. Both will serve for a term of one year.

The results of the voting with 698 ballots cast are as follows:

Tom Clark, K3IO…………574
Mark Hammond, N8MH………507
Scott Harvey, KA7FVV…….176
Bruce Paige, KK5DO………402
Peter Portanova, W2JV……359

Submitted by:
Martha Saragovitz, Manager
Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, Secretary

[ANS thanks Martha Saragovitz, Manager and Clayton Coleman, W5PFG,
Secretary for the above information]

AO-92 to Try Imaging Hurricane Florence September 13-14

AMSAT Vice-President of Operations, Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA says that the camera on AO-92 is planned to be used to try to image Hurricane Florence during North American east coast passes on Thursday, September 13, and Friday, September 14.

AO-92 will not be in its U/V FM voice transponder operation during these passes. Ground stations should standby and not attempt to access AO-92 during this time. Voice operation will be available later during these days.

The high speed image data will be transmitted on the 145.880 MHz downlink.

The image can be captured, decoded, and uploaded to the Fox-1 data warehouse using the FoxTelem v.1.06 software available from AMSAT:

[ANS thanks AMSAT Vice-President of Operations, Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA for the above information]

AO-92 Commissioned, Open for Amateur Use

On the 03:25 UTC pass on January 26, 2018, AMSAT Vice President – Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, announced that AO-92 had been commissioned and formally turned the satellite over to AMSAT Operations. AMSAT Vice President – Operations Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, then declared that AO-92 was now open for amateur use. Audio of the handover and first operational pass can be heard here:


Initially, the U/v FM transponder will be open continuously for a period of one week. After the first week, operations will be scheduled among the U/v FM transponder, L-Band Downshifter, Virginia Tech Camera, and the University of Iowa’s High Energy Radiation CubeSat Instrument (HERCI).

Schedule updates will appear in the AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins and will also be posted to the AMSAT-BB, AMSAT’s Twitter account (@AMSAT), the AMSAT North America Facebook group, and the AMSAT website at

AO-92 was launched on the PSLV-C40 mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India on January 12, 2018. For the past two weeks, the AMSAT Engineering and Operations teams have been testing the various modes and experiments on board. Testing has shown that both the U/v FM transponder and L-Band Downshifter work very well. The Virginia Tech camera has returned stunning photos and data from HERCI has been successfully downlinked.

AMSAT thanks the 178 stations worldwide that have used FoxTelem to collect telemetry and experiment data from AO-92 during the commissioning process. The collection of this data is crucial to the missions of AMSAT’s Fox-1 satellites. Please continue to collect data from AO-85, AO-91, and AO-92.

Radio Programming Charts

AO-92 Doppler Shift Correction (Mode U/v)


Your Transmit Frequency

(With 67 Hz Tone)

Your Receive Frequency

Acquisition of Signal (AOS) 435.340 MHz 145.880 MHz
Approaching 435.345 MHz 145.880 MHz
Time of Closest Approach (TCA) 435.350 MHz 145.880 MHz
Departing 435.355 MHz 145.880 MHz
Loss of Signal (LOS) 435.360 MHz 145.880 MHz

AO-92 Doppler Shift Correction (Mode L/v)


Your Transmit Frequency

(With 67 Hz Tone)

Your Receive Frequency

Acquisition of Signal (AOS) 1267.320 MHz 145.880 MHz
Approaching 1 1267.325 MHz 145.880 MHz
Approaching 2 1267.330 MHz 145.880 MHz
Approaching 3 1267.335 MHz 145.880 MHz
Approaching 4 1267.340 MHz 145.880 MHz
Approaching 5 1267.345 MHz 145.880 MHz
Time of Closest Approach (TCA) 1267.350 MHz 145.880 MHz
Departing 1 1267.355 MHz 145.880 MHz
Departing 2 1267.360 MHz 145.880 MHz
Departing 3 1267.365 MHz 145.880 MHz
Departing 4 1267.370 MHz 145.880 MHz
Departing 5 1267.375 MHz 145.880 MHz
Loss of Signal (LOS) 1267.380 MHz 145.880 MHz