ANS-166 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins for June 14th


The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation.  ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at amsat dot org.

In this edition:

  • 38th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting Moving to Virtual Event
  •  15 Canadian CubeSats to launch from 2021
  •  AMSAT Member Portal Huge Success!
  •  BY70-2 with FM-to-Codec2 Transponder Scheduled for July Launch
  •  Two Satellites Receive Frequency Coordination from the IARU
  •  IARU Submits Paper on Increasing Noise from Digital Devices
  •  New Satellite Distance Records Claimed
  • ISS Runs 6558 Astro Pi Youth Programs in 2019/20
  •  Upcoming Satellite Operations
  •  Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires and Other Events
  •  ARISS News
  •  Satellite Shorts from All Over

ANS166 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 166.01
June 14, 2020
BID: $ANS166.01

38th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting Moving to Virtual Event

The 38th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting in-person event scheduled to be held in Bloomington, Minnesota has been canceled. The event will be shifted to a virtual, online platform. This comes after a decision made between AMSAT’s Senior Leadership and Board of Directors in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While AMSAT recognizes the national challenges related to recent events in Minneapolis, they have no bearing on the Symposium decision whatsoever. We anticipate holding the 2021 Annual Space Symposium at the previously announced 2020 venue.

The in-person event was scheduled to occur Friday, October 16 through Sunday, October 18. As the 2020 virtual event plans are developed, they will be announced via the usual AMSAT channels.

[ANS thanks the AMSAT Office for the above information]

Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?
Get your AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff
from our Zazzle store!
25% of the purchase price of each product goes
towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

15 Canadian CubeSats to launch from 2021

Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) report 15 CubeSat satellites are being built by students in Canada, all are expected to carry amateur radio payloads. The RAC post says:

“The Canadian Space Agency has been providing support and guidance to 15 teams of university and college students across Canada who are building satellites. These satellites are in the “CubeSat” format, based on a standardized architecture of 10 centimeter cubes. All 15 proposed satellites will be deployed from the International Space Station (ISS), possibly starting in 2021.

“RAC is involved in explaining how, and under what conditions, Amateur Radio can be used for communications with these spacecraft, and a requirement of the frequency coordination process with the International Amateur Radio Union is an endorsement from RAC.

“We were aware that the suspension of university classes due to the global pandemic could affect the teams’ progress, but I am pleased to report that all of the teams have chosen to use Amateur Radio communications and we continue to receive requests from them, although at a slower rate than in the past. About half of the teams have now received endorsements for their projects from RAC and have sent their proposals to the IARU for frequency coordination.

“Designing and constructing CubeSats is a complicated, multi-year process. These projects will develop the students’ skills in many facets of engineering, science, technology, business and project management. Once in orbit, the satellites will also assist pure and applied scientific research and some may offer facilities that Amateurs across Canada and around the world can use.”

[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK and the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) for the above information.]

AMSAT Member Portal Huge Success!

It’s been 45 days since the launch of AMSAT’s online Member Portal. In that short time, 1,060 members have logged in, and 254 new and previously expired members were added to AMSAT ranks.

Robert Bankston, KE4AL, AMSAT Vice President – User Services reports, “A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into transitioning our old dBase4 database into our new online Member Portal. It has been a humbling experience to see everything come together and the expanded services we can now offer our Members.”

While the original plan was to spend the first couple of months getting members signed up, Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Executive Vice President took the initiative to collect, capture and upload back issues of The AMSAT Journal dating back to 2014 and make them accessible to AMSAT members. In addition, Paul also made added AMSAT’s latest Amateur Satellite Frequency Guide as a member-only benefit.

Robert adds, “This was a huge effort and added great value for AMSAT members. Be sure to thank Paul for making it happen. To all of the members who have already signed up on the new AMSAT Member Portal and those who I have exchanged emails with, I thank you. I hope the level of our service lives up to your expectations.”

Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Executive Vice President adds, “It’s great to see the years of work behind this transition all finally come together. Robert was the key person implementing this system but, as with anything, it was a team effort involving several people, including:

– Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, now-President originally proposed a managed membership solution to resolve the problems we ran into for several years while attempting to build our own membership solution using open-source tools,

– Joe Fitzgerald, KM1P – AMSAT IT team lead who has provided an immense amount of support and leadership for our IT systems for many years,

– Matt Alberti, KM4EXS – An invaluable member of our IT team, and,

– Martha Saragovitz – Our long-time office manager.”

For those who have not signed up, it’s a fairly simple process and takes only a few minutes of your time.

It is important that each and every member logs in and MAKES SURE THEIR CONTACT INFORMATION IS UP TO DATE.  While you’re there, take a moment to download the current satellite frequency guide and to browse The AMSAT Journal Archive.

If you not a member, there is no better time to join. Visit

[ANS thanks Robert Bankston, KE4AL, AMSAT Vice President – User Services and Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Executive Vice President for the above information.]

AMSAT’s GOLF Program is about getting back to higher orbits, and it
all begins with GOLF-TEE – a technology demonstrator for deployable
solar panels, propulsion, and attitude control. Come along for the
ride. The journey will be worth it!

BY70-2 With FM-to-Codec2 Transponder Scheduled for July Launch

Wei Mingchaun, BG2BHC, reports on Twitter that BY70-2 is scheduled to launch in July. BY70-2 will serve as a replacement for BY70-1, a 2U CubeSat which launched on December 26, 2016. Due to a booster failure, BY70-1 was placed in an elliptical orbit with a low perigee and the satellite’s orbit decayed in February 2017.

Unlike BY70-1, which carried an FM transponder, BY70-2 will carry an FM-to-Codec2 transponder similar to the ones on board LO-90 and Taurus-1. More information about working this type of transponder can be found in an article entitled “Digital Voice on Amateur Satellites: Experiences with LilacSat-OSCAR 90” by Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, in the January/February 2019 issue of The AMSAT Journal. The article can also be found on the AMSAT website at

BY70-2 is scheduled to launch into a sun-synchronous orbit with an altitude of approximately 500 km. As a replacement, the satellite is sharing BY70-1’s IARU coordination and ITU API notification. The uplink frequency will be 145.920 MHz and the downlink frequency will be 436.200 MHz.

[ANS thanks Wei Mingchaun, BG2BHC, for the above information]

Two Satellites Receive Frequency Coordination from the IARU

+ CAS-7C is planned by the Chinese Amateur Satellite Group – CAMSAT . A 2U CubeSat with a V/U transponder with a CW beacon will also deploy a carbon fibre rope with 1 mm diameter and 1080 meters length. Launch is planned on September 15 from Jiuquan Launch center into a 500km 97 degree inclination orbit together with CAS-5B and CAS-7A. Downlink for CW telemetry beacon is 435.715 MHz Downlink for a FM transponder is 435.690 MHz with an uplink on 145.900 MHz.

+ KITSUNE is planned by the Kyushu Institute of Technology. KITSUNE is a 6U CubeSat carrying four missions,1) a high resolution camera will capture 5 meter-class resolution images; 2) a C-band demonstration will demonstrate up to 20Mbps amateur high-speed data downlink; and 3) a C-band mobile ground station will uplink a command to take 2 megapixel compressed images and downlink immediately to demonstrate downlink speed up to 1Mbps. A fourth mission, to detect the time delay between uplink command sent from the ground station and receiving time on the satellite side is not Amateur Radio related.

Launch from the ISS is planned during 2020. A CW beacon will operate on 437.375 MHz CW beacon. HK data using 4k8 GMSK will operate at 5840.000 MHz.  More info is available at

[ANS thanks the IARU for the above information.]

IARU Submits Paper on Increasing Noise from Digital Devices

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) specialists Tore Worren, LA9QL, and Martin Sach, G8KDF, have submitted a paper to the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) concerning the increasing impact of multiple digital devices on noise levels in the radio spectrum.

The paper was considered at the CISPR Steering Committee in late May and it was adopted for circulation to the CISPR National Committee for comment as a Committee Draft, with a view toward its becoming a CISPR Report.

“IARU hopes that the result of this will be amendments to the way in which standards are developed to recognize the need to properly consider the cumulative impact of multiple devices,” said IARU Region 1 President Don Beattie, G3BJ, in an IARU news brief.

[ANS thanks the ARRL and the IARU for the above information.]

New Satellite Distance Records Claimed

A slew of new records have been claimed for old and new satellites alike!

First up is the new DX sensation, RS-44. It’s strong downlink and exceptional sensitivity has allowed for several QSOs beyond its theoretical 7,942 km maximum surface range. Hector Martinez, W5CBF, in Lake Charles, LA reports working Antonio Gutierrez, DL4EA, in Böblingen, Germany on May 26, 2020 at 23:07 UTC – a distance of 8,357km. The previous record of 8,314 km by KI7UNJ and EB1AO stood just nine days.

For the QSO, Hector used an Alaskan Arrow antenna and an Icom IC-9700 on the roof of the 310′ tall Capital One Tower in Lake Charles, LA, offering an exceptional view of the northern sky.

Next, Guillermo Guerra, OA4/XQ3SA, in Lima, Peru reports that he completed a QSO with Alex Diaz, XE1MEX, in Cuautla, Morelos, Mexico via AO-92 in Mode L/v on June 3, 2020 at 04:07 UTC. The 4,202 km distance this QSO covered exceeds the prior AO-92 Mode L/v record of 3,730 km, held by N7AGF and N1JEZ.

Since its revival last month, AO-27 has enjoyed considerable popularity despite only being active for approximately 4 minutes per orbit over mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Krissada Futrakul, E21EJC, in Bangkok, Thailand reports completing a QSO with Vladiir Vassiljev, R9LR, in Tyumen, Russia on June 9, 2020 at 23:35 UTC. The distance covered by this QSO was 5,682 km, eclipsing the previous record of 5,119 km held by WD9EWK and VO1ONE from February 2006.

Finally, record claims for satellites that are no longer in service are also welcome. Andre Van Deventer, then-ZS6UK (now ZS2BK), reports that he completed a QSO from his previous QTH near Johannesburg, South Africa with David Guimont, WB6LLO, in San Diego, California via AO-10 Mode B on September 2, 1983. This QSO covered a distance of 16,625 km. The previous record was claimed by W0RPK for a 15,242 km QSO with VK8OB in April 1984.

A claim has also been received for a QSO via AO-13 Mode B. Alejandro Alvarez, LU8YD, reports a QSO with Tetsuhiro Inoue, JE2VVN, on June 3, 1996. The distance between the two stations was 17,802 km, eclipsing the previous record held by AD7D (then-KA7LDN) and FR5DN of 17,097 km.

AMSAT’s list of distance records for amateur satellites can be found at Please email n8hm at if you wish to claim a new record, longer distance QSO not yet documented, or records for any other satellite/transponder not yet listed. Claims that exceed 5% beyond the theoretical maximum range of the satellite may require additional evidence, such as audio recordings of the QSO in order to be listed. Exceptional claims may be referred to a panel of experienced satellite operators for adjudication.

[ANS thanks Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Executive Vice President, for the above information]

ISS Runs 6558 Astro Pi Youth Programs in 2019/20

The team at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, in collaboration with ESA Education, announced that all of this year’s successful Astro Pi programs have now run aboard the International Space Station.

This year, a record 6350 teams of students and young people from all 25 eligible countries successfully entered Mission Zero, and had their programs run on the Astro Pi computers on board the ISS for 30 seconds each.

The Mission Zero teams measured the temperature inside the ISS Columbus module and used the Astro Pi LED matrix to display the measurement together with a greeting to the astronauts, including Chris Cassidy, who oversaw this year’s experiments.

In addition, 208 teams of students and young people are currently in the final phase of Astro Pi Mission Space Lab. Over the last few weeks, each of these teams has had their scientific experiment run on either Astro Pi Ed or Astro Pi Izzy for 3 hours each.

Teams interested in life on Earth used Astro Pi Izzy’s near-infrared camera to capture images to investigate, for example, vegetation health and the impact of human life on our planet. Using Astro Pi Ed’s sensors, participants investigated life in space, measuring the conditions on the ISS and even mapping the magnetic field of Earth.

This year a problem was encountered during the deployment of some experiments investigating life on Earth. When it downloaded the first batch of data from the ISS, it was realized that Astro Pi Izzy had an incorrect setting, which resulted in some pictures turning pink. Not only that, the CANADARM was the middle of Izzy’s window view.

All Mission Space Lab teams have now received their data back from the ISS to analyse and summarized in their final scientific reports. So that they can write their reports while social distancing measures are in place, program managers are sharing special guidance and advice on how best to collaborate remotely and have extended the submission deadline to July 3, 2020.

The programs teams sent this year were outstanding in their quality, creativity, and technical skill. A jury of experts appointed by ESA and the Raspberry Pi Foundation will judge all of the Mission Space Lab reports and select the ten teams with the best reports as the winners of the European Astro Pi Challenge 2019/20. Each of the ten winning teams will receive a special prize. Every team that participated in Mission Zero or Mission Space Lab this year will receive a special certificate in celebration of their achievements during the European Astro Pi Challenge.

More information at:

[ANS thanks the Raspberry Pi Foundation for the above information.]

Need new satellite antennas? Purchase Arrows, Alaskan Arrows
and M2 LEO-Packs from the AMSAT Store. When you purchase through
AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.

Upcoming Satellite Operations

Quick Hits

EM58 (Saturday 7/11/20) N4DCW 15:00 – 18:00

Major Roves

DL88: Ron (@AD0DX) and Doug (@N6UA) are making another run at the elusive DL88 in Big Bend National Park, TX. As we know they tried this grid back in March, and due to the mud couldn’t’t get to the grid, so never ones to quit, off they go again. Today the tentative date is Monday July 6, 2020. They will be using the K5Z call sign. More information is available at the K5Z QRZ Page.

[ANS thanks Paul Overn, KE0PBR, for the above information.]

Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires and Other Events

Shelby NC Hamfest – September 4-5, 2020

Philip Jenkins, N4HF is planning to set-up an information table and to present a forum at the Shelby NC Hamfest Friday and Saturday, Sept 4 and 5. (The hamfest runs September 4-6. but Philip
will probably only be there Friday and Saturday.) Demonstrations are possible if he can get others to help. For information or if you want to help, contact N4HF.

[ANS thanks Robert Bankston, KE4AL for the above information.]


Upcoming School Contacts

I.E.S. Pedro de Valdivia, Villanueva de la Serena, Spain, Multi-point telebridge via ON4ISS
The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be OR4ISS.
The scheduled astronaut is Chris Cassidy KF5KDR.
Contact is go for: Tuesday June 16, 2020, 12:25:27 UTC (84 deg).
Watch for live stream at:

[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N  for the above information.]

Shorts from All Over

Tony Hutchison VK5ZAI Honored

Congratulations to Tony Hutchison, VK5ZAI in being recognized and awarded the Order of Australia medal (AM) in the June 8th Queens Birthday honors list. For those that don’t know what Tony has done, he has mentored 65 ARISS schools and been the telebridge station for 58 ARISS contacts.  Plus he was very involved with SAREX.  The actual announcement can be found on page 7 of 28 at:

[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information.]

New Sun Clock Quantifies Extreme Space Weather Switch On/Off

Extreme space weather events can significantly impact systems such as satellites, communications systems, power distribution and aviation. The clock will help scientists to determine more precisely when the risk for solar storms is highest and help to plan the impacts of space weather on our space infrastructure, important since the next switch on of activity may be imminent as solar activity moves from its current minimum. Complete information at:

[ANS thanks for the above information.]

Back Issues of AMSAT Publications Needed

All issues of the AMSAT Journals and other publications from 2014 to the present are available for members via the AMSAT Membership Portal. However, AMSAT’s archives have a gap. If anyone has copies of The AMSAT Journal or its sister publications, The Amateur Satellite Report, or other AMSAT periodical from 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, or 1992, please let Paul Stoetzer, N8HM know. AMSAT will reimburse for mailing costs both ways for use of these publications if electronic copies are not available. In the short term, members should expect to see other resources made available in the Membership Portal very soon.

[ANS thanks Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Executive Vice President for the above information.]

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President’s Club. Members of the President’s Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT office.

Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of six post-secondary years in this status.

Contact Martha at the AMSAT office for additional student membership information.


This week’s ANS Editor,

Frank Karnauskas, N1UW
n1uw at amsat dot org

38th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting Moving to Virtual Event

The 38th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting in-person event scheduled to be held in Bloomington, Minnesota has been canceled. The event will be shifted to a virtual, online platform. This comes after a decision made between AMSAT’s Senior Leadership and Board of Directors in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While AMSAT recognizes the national challenges related to recent events in Minneapolis, they have no bearing on the Symposium decision whatsoever. We anticipate holding 2021’s Annual Space Symposium at the previously announced 2020 venue.

The in-person event was scheduled to occur Friday, October 16th – Sunday, October 18th. As the 2020 virtual event plans are developed, they will be announced via the usual AMSAT channels.

[ANS thanks the AMSAT Office for the above information]

ANS-159 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins for June 7th


The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital amateur radio satellites.

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at

You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletins via the ANS List; to join this list see:

In this edition:

  •  Newly Revised 2020 Digital Edition of Getting Started with Amateur Satellites Now Available
  •  Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Team in  the United States Creates a New Organization: ARISS-USA
  •  AMSAT President’s Statement on Creation of ARISS-USA
  •  Back Issues of The AMSAT Journal Available to AMSAT Members
  •  AO-73 Now in Full-Time Transponder Mode
  •  VUCC Awards-Endorsements for June 2020
  •  KG5FYJ Assigned to Upcoming ISS Mission
  •  A New Way to Obtain GP Data (aka TLEs)
  •  Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events
  •  Upcoming Satellite Operations
  •  Satellite Shorts from All Over

SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-159.01
ANS-159 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 159.01
DATE June 7, 2020
BID: $ANS-159.01

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMSAT office
is closed until further notice. For details, please visit

Newly Revised 2020 Digital Edition of Getting Started with Amateur Satellites Now Available

The 2020 edition of AMSAT’s Getting Started with Amateur Satellites is now available on the AMSAT store. A perennial favorite, Getting Started is updated every year with the latest amateur satellite information, and is the premier primer of satellite operation. This definitive reference is written for the new satellite operator, but includes discussions for the experienced operator who wishes to review the features of amateur satellite communications. The new operator will be introduced to the basic concepts and terminology unique to this mode. Additionally, there are many practical tips and tricks to ensure making contacts, and to sound like an experienced satellite operator in the process. The book is presented in DRM-free PDF format, in full color, and covers all aspects of making your first contacts on a ham radio satellite.

Joining the cover art for the first time this year is a depiction of the next generation of AMSAT satellites – AMSAT’s GOLF series of 3U CubeSats.

The digital download is available for $15 at

[ANS thanks the AMSAT Office for the above information]

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Team in the United States Creates a New Organization: ARISS-USA

In late May, the USA team of the ARISS International working group became an incorporated non-profit entity in the state of Maryland, officially becoming ARISS-USA. This move allows ARISS-USA to work as an independent organization, soliciting grants and donations. They will continue promoting amateur radio and STEAM—science, technology, engineering, arts, and math within educational organizations and inspire, engage and educate our next generation of space enthusiasts.

ARISS-USA will maintain its collaborative work with ARISS International as well as with US sponsors, partners, and interest groups. The main goal of ARISS-USA remains as connecting educational groups with opportunities to interact with astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). ARISS-USA will expand its human spaceflight opportunities with the space agencies, beyond low Earth orbit, starting with lunar opportunities including the Lunar Gateway. ARISS-USA will continue to review and accept proposals for ISS contacts and expand its other educational opportunities to increase interest in space sciences and radio communications.

Becoming an independent organization has been discussed for quite some time. ARISS-USA lead Frank Bauer, KA3HDO said “The scope and reach of what ARISS accomplishes each year has grown significantly since its humble beginnings in 1996. Our working group status made it cumbersome to establish partnerships, sign agreements and solicit grants. These can only be done as an established organization.” Bauer further elaborated, “The ARISS-USA team remains deeply indebted to our working group partners—ARRL and AMSAT, who enabled the birth of ARISS—and our steadfast sponsors, NASA Space Communication and Navigation (SCaN) and the ISS National Lab (INL).” ARISS-USA aims to keep earning high regards from all these partners and sponsors.

While ARISS-USA is now an incorporated non-profit entity, we are in the process of applying for tax exemption as a Section 501(c)(3) charitable, scientific or educational organization. Until that status is approved by the USA Internal Revenue Service, donations made directly to ARISS-USA will not be tax deductible for taxpayers in the USA. Those wanting to make a tax deductible donation for the benefit of ARISS-USA can, in the meantime, continue to make donations to ARISS sponsor AMSAT-NA through the ARISS website at:

As ARISS-USA begins a new era as a human spaceflight amateur radio organization, it acknowledges those who were so instrumental in the formation of human spaceflight amateur radio. These include Vic Clark, W4KFC and Dave Sumner, K1ZZ from the ARRL; Bill Tynan, W3XO and Tom Clark, W3IO from AMSAT; Roy Neal, K6DUE a major guide for SAREX and ARISS; and NASA astronaut Owen Garriott, W5LFL. Also remembered is Pam Mountjoy, NASA education, who had the vision to develop the ARISS working group as a single amateur radio focus into the space agencies. All of these giants’ shoulders are what ARISS-USA rests upon.

[ANS thanks ARISS for the above information]

AMSAT President’s Statement on Creation of ARISS-USA

Announced June 5, 2020, ARISS-USA has been formed as a non-profit corporation to operate independently of The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT). Since the formation of Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) in the mid-1990s, AMSAT has been a consistent supplier of technical expertise, funding, and operational logistics. AMSAT will work with ARISS-USA to ensure a smooth transition for operations and funding.

Over the years, as the scope and activity of ARISS grew, AMSAT continued its financial backing in times of need, providing hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund projects and operations. Many of AMSAT’s members are an integral part of the ARISS team. The human spaceflight element of AMSAT’s vision has been realized through these contributions.

I offer my best wishes to ARISS-USA for a successful future.


AMSAT President

[ANS thanks Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, AMSAT President, for the above information]

Back Issues of The AMSAT Journal Available to AMSAT Members

All issues of The AMSAT Journal dating back to 2014 are now available to AMSAT members on AMSAT’s new membership portal. The 1969-2013 archive will be added at a later date. Stay tuned for additional member benefits coming soon.

If you’re a current AMSAT member, get logged on today. If you are not yet a member, consider joining today.

[ANS thanks Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Executive Vice President, and Robert Bankston, KE4AL, AMSAT Vice President – User Services for the above information]

AMSAT’s GOLF Program is about getting back to higher orbits, and it
all begins with GOLF-TEE – a technology demonstrator for deployable
solar panels, propulsion, and attitude control. Come along for the
ride. The journey will be worth it!

AO-73 Now in Full-Time Transponder Mode

After some eight months in continuous sunlight, AO-73 (FUNcube-1) has now started to see some eclipses during each orbit.

The telemetry received has shown that the spacecraft continued to function perfectly during this period and the on board temperatures did not reach excessively high levels.

After this became clear, our next concern was the battery. Having been kept fully charged for this period, would it actually hold a charge and do its job when in eclipse?

After three weeks of increasing eclipse periods we can now see that indeed the Li battery appears to be ok and the bus voltage has not yet dropped below 8.1 volts.

So today we have changed the operating mode from high power telemetry educational mode to continuous amateur mode with the transponder ON. The telemetry continues to be available, albeit at low power.

We will, of course, continue to carefully monitor the data but are planning to leave the spacecraft in this mode for at least the next week. Please enjoy using it!

[ANS thanks Graham Shirville, G3VZV, of the FUNcube Team and AMSAT-UK, for the above information]

Purchase AMSAT Gear on our Zazzle storefront.
25% of the purchase price of each product goes
towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

VUCC Awards-Endorsements for June 2020

Here are the endorsements and new VUCC Satellite Awards issued by the ARRL for the period May 1, 2020 through June 1, 2020.

Congratulations to all those who made the list this month!


If you find errors or omissions. please contact me off-list at <mycall>@<mycall>.com and I’ll revise the announcement. This list was developed by comparing the ARRL .pdf listings for the two months. It’s a visual comparison so omissions are possible. Apologies if your call was not mentioned. Thanks to all those who are roving to grids that are rarely on the birds. They are doing most of the work!

[ANS thanks Ron Parsons, W5RKN, for the above information]

KG5FYJ Assigned to Upcoming ISS Mission

NASA has assigned astronaut Kate Rubins, KG5FYJ, to a six-month mission to the International Space Station as a flight engineer and member of the Expedition 63/64 crew.

Rubins, along with cosmonauts Sergey Ryzhikov and Sergey Kud-Sverchkov of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, are scheduled to launch Oct. 14 on the Soyuz MS-17 spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Among some of the hundreds of experiments ongoing during her mission, Rubins will conduct research using the Cold Atom Lab to study the use of laser-cooled atoms for future quantum sensors, and will work on a cardiovascular experiment that builds on an investigation she completed during her previous mission.

NASA selected Rubins as an astronaut in 2009, she was licensed as a Technician class amateur in 2015, and she completed her first spaceflight in 2016 as an Expedition 48/49 crew member. She launched July 6, 2016, and spent 115 days in space, during which she conducted two spacewalks totaling 12 hours and 46 minutes before her return to Earth Oct. 29, 2016. During her stay on the space station, Rubins helped advance important science and research and became the first person to sequence DNA in space.

Born in Farmington, Connecticut, and raised in Napa, California, Rubins received a Bachelor of Science degree in molecular biology from the University of California, San Diego, in 1999 and a doctorate in cancer biology in 2005 from Stanford University School of Medicine’s Department of Biochemistry and Department of Microbiology and Immunology in Palo Alto, California. Before joining NASA, Rubins worked as a fellow/principal investigator at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge and headed 14 researchers studying viral diseases that primarily affect Central and West Africa.

[ANS thanks NASA for the above information]

Need new satellite antennas? Purchase Arrows, Alaskan Arrows,
and M2 LEO-Packs from the AMSAT Store. When you purchase through
AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.

A New Way to Obtain GP Data (aka TLEs)

The US government has provided GP or general perturbations orbital data to the rest of the world since the 1970s. These data are produced by fitting observations from the US Space Surveillance Network (SSN) to produce Brouwer mean elements using the SGP4 or Simplified General Perturbations 4 orbit propagator.

Many of you are familiar with this data in the form of TLEs or Two-Line Element Sets. TLEs were designed to provide the minimum data necessary to propagate the orbit of a resident space object (RSO) at a time when both bandwidth for transmission or digital storage were extremely limited. In fact, at the time, transmission might be via fax, hard copy (postal delivery), or even read over the phone and storage was handled using punch cards or magnetic tape.

While this format has served us well for many decades, it has not been without its share of problems. For example, the choice of a two-digit year caused many problems approaching Y2K—problems that were side-stepped by redefining what those two digits represented—but that Y2K problem persists fully 20 years into the 21st century. And now we are approaching another milestone where we will no longer be able to catalog all the objects we track within the 5-digit catalog number limitation of the TLE format.

One of the key drivers forcing us to consider tracking more than 100,000 objects is the activation of the Space Fence on Kwajalein Atoll. The Space Fence reached initial operational capability (IOC) on 2020 Mar 27 and is expected to track far more than the ~26,000 objects currently tracked by the SSN—perhaps by as much as an order of magnitude.

And we are expecting to see public availability of data from the Space Fence starting some time this summer (2020). The 18th Space Control Squadron (18 SPCS) has already transitioned internally to using 9-digit catalog numbers in support of these changes and we expect 18SPCS to release data from the Space Fence using 9-digit catalog numbers.

For the complete article, please see:

[ANS thanks Dr. T.S. Kelso of CelsTrak for the above information]

Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events

Want to see AMSAT in action or learn more about amateur radio in space?

AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests, conventions, maker faires, and other events.

Due to COVID-19, many hamfest and events around the United States have been canceled or postponed. While we make every effort to ensure the information contained below is correct, there may be some that we missed.

We wish all of you safekeeping and hope to be at a hamfest near you soon.

The following events scheduled to have an AMSAT presence have been CANCELED:

June 12-13, 2020, Ham-Com, Plano, TX

[ANS thanks Robert Bankston, KE4AL, AMSAT Vice President – User Services, for the above information]

AMSAT, along with our ARISS partners, is developing an amateur
radio package, including two-way communication capability, to
be carried on-board Gateway in lunar orbit.

Support AMSAT’s projects today at

Upcoming Satellite Operations

Quick Hits:

EN55: @KC9KKA Currently planning the somewhat elusive EN67 on June 12 for a couple passes and some POTA.

EM98, EM98 and EM97: @NoTEL_0738, I will be in West Virginia from June 10-13. I will be in EM88/98 and possibly EM97. FM sats only. I will probably activate a couple different grids going to WV on June 9 and returning home on June 14 (no set plans).

W6KSR (@W6KSR) He’s goin’ fishin’ end of this week in DM06. Be up there June 4th through 7th, working Panther Martin lures and FM satellites exclusively.

CN81: Friday 6/5. @WB7VUF will be on AO91 and AO92 from 18:07 to 19:48 and may try SO50

FN54 and Maybe the FN44/54 line: KQ2RP/1 from June 6th to the 12th, Holiday style, listen for him on the FM birds.

Hey you guys from the EU: @N4DCW be in EM56 June 5-7 with a semidecent N-E horizon from his sister-in-law’s house. He will be on RS-44 and AO-7 looking for y’all.

Major Roves:

AD0DX is heading out again! Check out his QRZ page for details!

Friday, June 12th:
DM77, DM76 and DM75

Saturday, June 13th:
DM65, DM75

Sunday, June 14th:
DM66,DM67,DM76 and DM77 Corner

DN98, 97, 96 & EN08,07,06,17,18,27 and 28: @AD0HJ North Dakota Mega Rove Part II: Another trip out to North Dakota between June 10th and June 14th to rove the grids I missed there (blue grids) two weeks ago. Look for a simplified pass schedule to be posted early next week.

Ron (@AD0DX) and Doug (@N6UA) are making another run at the elusive DL88 in Big Bend National Park, TX. As we know they tried this grid back in March, and due to the mud couldn’t get to the grid, so never ones to quit, off they go again. Today the tentative date is Monday, July 6th, 2020. They will be using the K5Z call sign. More information is available at the K5Z QRZ Page.

Please submit any additions or corrections to Ke0pbr (at)

[ANS thanks Paul Overn, KE0PBR, for the above information]

Satellite Shorts From All Over

+ FoxTelem / Fox-in-a-Box Tips: 1) Use a short USB extension cord to physically isolate your SDR dongle from the computer/Pi. There will be less mechanical stress, and a better electrical connection, which will give fewer errors. 2) If you use an RTL-SDR dongle (not really supported, but mostly works), don’t turn on DUV and High Speed at the same time. You will get an error when the decoder starts. Note especially if you have it set up to start when the satellite comes over the horizon. [ANS thanks Chris Thompson, G0KLA/AC2CZ, AMSAT FoxTelem Developer, and Burns Fisher, WB1FJ, AMSAT Flight Software, for this information]

+ The Harbin Institute of Technology released a short cartoon video entitled “Longjiang-2: Journey to the Moon” about LO-94, the world’s smallest spacecraft which entered lunar orbit independently. [ANS thanks the Harbin Institute of Technology for this information]

+ Kylee Shirbroun, KE0WPA, posted a short portion of the science fair video she made about amateur radio satellites. It can be found at [ANS thanks Kylee Shirbroun, KE0WPA, for this information]

+ Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, maintains a Doppler.sqf file for using active amateur satellites in SatPC32. It can be found at:

+ The AMSAT Folding at home team continues to climb the rankings. Now in the top 1,200 of all teams at the time of this writing, the team has grown to 44 members with 77 active CPUs within the past 50 days and includes ten members in the top 100,000 of all users. Alex Free, N7AGF, is our top contributor with over 92,000,000 points credited to AMSAT’s team. For more information about the Folding at home project and how you can contribute to scientific research, including the fight against COVID-19, see AMSAT’s team number is 69710:


In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President’s Club. Members of the President’s Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.

Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.

73 and remember to help Keep Amateur Radio in Space,

This week’s ANS Editor,

Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
n8hm at amsat dot org

ANS-152 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins for May 31st

The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information service of AMSAT, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: [email protected]

You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletins via the ANS List; to join this list see:

In this edition:

  • Temporary Rule Waivers Announced for 2020 ARRL Field Day
  • IARU-R2 Workshop Videos Available
  • Digital Mode Experiments Conducted on Linear Satellites
  • SpaceX Launches Successfully Toward ISS
  • Moonbounce Contact via FT8 Could be a First
  • Mid-Altitude Balloon Race Planned for June 1
  • ARISS News
  • Upcoming Satellite Operations
  • Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events
  • Satellite Shorts From All

Over SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-152.01
ANS-152 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 152.01
DATE 2020 May 31
BID: $ANS-152.01

Temporary Rule Waivers Announced for 2020 ARRL/AMSAT Field Days

ARRL Programs and Services Committee (PSC) has adopted two temporary rule waivers for the 2020 ARRL Field Day to adjust for Covid-19 restrictions. An AMSAT parallel event is held at the same time, and the rules for that have been adjusted, as well.

ARRL Field Day is one of the biggest events on the amateur radio calendar, with over 36,000 participants in 2019, including entries from 3,113 radio clubs and emergency operations centers. In most years, Field Day is also the largest annual demonstration of ham radio, be- cause many radio clubs organize their participation in public places such as parks and schools.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many radio clubs have made decisions to cancel their group participation in ARRL Field Day this year due to public health recommendations and/or requirements, or to significantly modify their participation for safe social distancing practices. The temporary rule waivers allow greater flexibility in recognizing the value of individual and club participation regardless of entry class. The waivers may be found at:

The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) promotes its own version of Field Day for operation via the amateur satellites, held con- currently with the ARRL event. The rules for the AMSAT Field Day may be found at:

This will mean that there will be another group of certificates for AMSAT Field Day: The top three stations operating from home with commercial power.

The problem is with those operating from home attaching their scores to a club. Because AMSAT only allows one satellite station to be operating at a time, if you are going to attach your satellite contact to a club, only ONE home station can attach per club. This will keep the playing field rather equal as there are areas where there is only one satellite op around and other areas where there are dozens of satellite ops. It would be unfair for an area with a dozen satellite ops to pool all their home contacts towards one club.

Even if satellite operators took turns operating in shifts, it would make it very difficult to score entries correctly. That is why AMSAT has chosen to allow only one satellite home station could be attached to a single club. CLUB NAME MUST BE IDENTIFIED IN THE ENTRY.

There will also be no duplicate certificates. If you are attaching your score to a club, then it goes towards club rankings and not home rankings. Nothing needs to be changed on the submission form. If you are operating 1D and the name of your attached club is included, the club score will be calculated appropriately.

This is new and uncharted waters and hope everyone enjoys AMSAT Field Day. A much larger number of entries is anticipated with this change, so patience is appreciated.

(ANS thanks ARRL and Bruce Paige, KK5DO, AMSAT Director Contests and Awards for the above information)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMSAT office is closed until further notice.
For details, please visit

IARU-R2 Workshop Videos Available

IARU Region 2 (IARU-R2) is hosting workshops covering different facets
of amateur radio. Last Wednesday (27 May) was the “Satellite Communica-
tions 101″ workshop. Due to technical glitches, this workshop was not
available in real time, but the video of Wednesday’s presentation is
now available on YouTube. The direct link to the video of last Wednes-
day’s workshop is:

One week earlier, on 20 May, Matias LU9CBL and Guillermo OA4/XQ3SA
hosted the Spanish-language version of this workshop, titled
“Comunicaciones por Satelite 101”. The video of their presentation is
available at:

IARU-R2 plans more workshops covering other topics, in English and
Spanish. Information on upcoming workshops is available at:

Videos of past workshops are available from the IARU-R2 Workshops
channel on YouTube:

[ANS thanks Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK/VA7EWK, for the above information]

Looking for the perfect Father’s Day gift?
AMSAT t-shirts are currently 40% off with promo code BESTDADGIFTS.
Other items are 15% off. 25% of the purchase price of each product goes towards
Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Digital Mode Experiments Conducted on Linear Satellites

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Be aware that the experiments described below utilize very narrow AFSK modulation with fairly advanced computer control for Doppler correction and frequency stabilization. They do NOT involve use of narrowband FM signals such as those used for terrestrial APRS or dedicated APRS satellites. So please, NEVER transmit FM on the uplink to a linear satellite. ALSO, in should be emphasized that power levels must be kept very low, as all the WSJT modes are 100% duty cycle.]

Recently a group of regular satellite-using amateurs conducted experiments with FT-8 and FT-4 on a variety of linear satellites.  Alan (WA6DNR), Carlos (W7QL), Dave (W0DHB) and Ron (W5RKN) were involved and made many satisfactory QSOs.   The primary results and observations from these tests are:

  • Digital modes can successfully be employed on the linear birds while not interfering with concurrent users by operating close to the bottom end of the passband, using the lowest power practicable and using very narrow signals.
  • We avoided the satellites known to be power-sensitive, FO-29 and AO-7. Testing was conducted with CAS-4A, CAS-4B, RS-44, XW-2A, XW-2B, XW-2C and XW-2F.
  • FT-4 was the most robust signal format, compared to FT-8. Other of Joe Taylor’s digital signal modes should be investigated.
  • The rate of change of Doppler just before and after TCA is high on the lower-orbit satellites and must have compensation. 200 Millisecond Doppler updates allowed 100% copy of FT-4 transmissions throughout several passes of different linear satellites.  This can be accomplished in SatPC32 by setting the “SSB/CW Interval” in the CAT menu to zero and checking the 5X box.  Note that this setting is not retained when SatPC32 is shut down.
  • Very little power is needed for QSOs throughout the duration of the pass, from AOS to LOS. W7QL set IC-9700 power to “zero” (roughly 500 milli- Watts, with over 3 dB cable/connector loss to a Leo-Pack antenna pair) and copied every packet on several satellites.
  • FT-4 is very tolerant of voice signals which might drop on top of an ongoing FT-4 QSO. However, an FT-4 signal dropping in the middle of an SSB QSO would be quite annoying to the SSB operators.
  • According to Joe Taylor, the occupied bandwidth of an FT-4 signal is 90 Hz. So theoretically over 200 such signals could be present on a 20 KHz channel.   Obviously that will not, and should not happen.   But a dozen closely spaced FT-4 QSOs at the bottom of the band, each running very low power should hardly be noticeable to current voice and CW traffic.

We invite other Satellite operators to join us in this expanded utilization of the linear satellite resources available to us.  We recommend using FT-4 at very low power, in the bottom few KHz of the downlink frequency range, with appropriate Doppler compensation, as described above.  We hope to have a digital QSO with you sometime soon on the linear birds.

[ANS thanks Carlos Cardon, W7QL, for the above information]

SpaceX Launches Successfully Toward ISS

NASA astronauts Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, and Doug Hurley boarded a Crew Dragon spacecraft on top of a Falcon 9 rocket once again on Saturday, May 30. At 19:22 UTC they were successfully launched on their way to the International Space Station. This was the first launch of astronauts from U.S. territory since the final Space Shuttle flight in 2011 and the first launch of humans by a private contractor, SpaceX.

The first attempt for the launch, on Wednesday, May 27, scrubbed due to stormy weather near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The Crew Dragon spacecraft is scheduled to dock with the ISS about 19 hours after liftoff.

[ANS thanks Spaceflight Now for the above information]

Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?
Get your AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff
from our Zazzle store!
25% of the purchase price of each product goes
towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space

Moonbounce Contact via FT8 Could be a First

FT8 co-developer Joe Taylor, K1JT, has reported what is possibly the first FT8 contact via moonbouce (Earth-Moon-Earth or EME) on May 21 between Paul Andrews, W2HRO, in New York, and Peter Gouweleeuw, PA2V, in Netherlands. The contact was made possible using the currently available beta-release candidate of WSJT-X, version 2.2-rc1.

“Why might you want to use FT8 instead of ‘Old Reliable JT65’ for EME QSOs?” Taylor asked in a subsequent Moon-Net post. “FT8 is about 4 dB less sensitive than JT65, but with 15-second T/R [transmit/receive] sequences it’s four times faster, and it doesn’t use Deep Search,” he said, answering his own question.

The FT8 protocol included in the beta version of WSJT-X has an optional user setting to work around the 2.5-second path delay. “For terrestrial use, the FT8 decoder searches over the range -2.5 to +2.4 seconds for clock offset DT between transmitting and receiving stations,” Taylor explained. “DT” represents the difference between the transmission time and actual time. “When ‘Decode after EME delay’ is checked on the WSJT-X ‘Settings’ screen, the accessible DT range becomes -0.5 to +4.4 seconds. Just right for EME.”

As Taylor explained in his post, FT8 uses 8-GFSK modulation with tones separated by 6.25 Hz. At the time of the contact, the expected Doppler spread on the W2HRO – PA2V EME path was 8 Hz, which would cause some additional loss in sensitivity. Despite the path losses, however, copy between W2HRO and PA2V was “solid in both directions,” Taylor said.

Taylor said that when he was active in EME contests on 144 MHz, he was always frustrated that, even with reasonably strong signals, the maximum JT65 contact rate is about 12 per hour. “With FT8, you can do 40 per hour, as long as workable stations are available,” he said.

As for using FT8 for EME contacts on 1296 MHz, Taylor said it “might sometimes work, but Doppler spread will probably make standard FT8 a problem.” Given sufficient interest, however, he said the WSJT-X development team could design an FT8B or FT8C with wider tone spacing. He encouraged the use of FT8 for moonbounce on 144, 432, and 1296 MHz and asked users to report their results to the development team.

“A ‘slow FT8’ mode is indeed a sensitivity winner on suitable propagation paths,” he said in a later Moon-Net post. “We are busy implementing such a mode, but with particular emphasis on its use on the LF and MF bands.”

Taylor said FT8 has the operational advantage of putting all users in one (or a few) narrow spectral slices on each band. “So, it’s easy to find QSO partners without skeds or chat rooms,” he said. “Everything is done over the air, with no ‘side channels’ needed.”

Taylor also remarked in response to posts from those who, like him, “love CW.”

“I agree it’s a thrill to hear your own lunar echo, and to make CW EME QSOs,” he said. “Sometimes I pine for the bygone world of commercial sailing ships, which happen to be very much a part of my family’s his- tory,” Taylor concluded. “But I know that technologies evolve, and the world does not stand still.”

[ANS thanks ARRL News for the above information]

Need new satellite antennas? Purchase Arrows, Alaskan Arrows,
and M2 LEO-Packs from the AMSAT Store.
When you purchase through AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.

Mid-Altitude Balloon Race Planned for June 1

Three Space Station Explorer teams will participate in an exciting distance learning—social distanced balloon race to beheld during the Pandemic.

ARISS educator, Joanne Michaelis, KM6BWB, is a science coach at the Wiseburn Unified School District in Los Angeles, California where she leads her students in several balloon launch attempts from the Los Angeles area each year. With this year different because of the pandemic, Joanne wanted to “shake things up a bit” and give students world-wide, a unique distance learning treat while keeping all safe during the pandemic. So Joanne challenged Ted Tagami, KK6UUQ, from to a mid-altitude cross-continent balloon race and Ted accepted the challenge!

Ted plans to launch his balloon from Oakland, California. ISS Above inventor, Liam Kennedy, KN6EQU, from Pasadena, California, got “wind” of the idea and he asked to participate, too. All three organizations: ARISS, and ISS Above are ISS National Lab Space Station Explorer (SSE) partners that work to inspire, engage, and educate students in Science Technology Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) topics and to pursue STEAM careers.

The three SSE teams plan to launch their balloons simultaneously on June 1. The winner will be the first one to cross the“Finish Line”—the Eastern Time zone. Launch time is planned for 15:00 UTC (11:00 EDT, 10:00 CDT, 9:00 MDT, or 8:00 PDT. A live video feed of the launch is planned to start approximately 5 minutes prior to the event.

Once the balloons are airborne, students can track each balloon’s location, altitude, and temperature via amateur radio APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) which is fed automatically to the web site. Educators and parents around the globe can excite at-home youth with this initiative. Students can tally and track the states each balloon travels through and plot altitude versus temperature, etc. Also, by researching weather patterns, students can make assumptions from their own data. This could include speed variations due to weather.

They also can predict each balloon’s flight path and when they might cross the finish line!

For more information on the balloon launch, lesson plans, and the livestream video link (when the livestream URL is available), please go to:

Enjoy the Race! May the best ballooner win!!

[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team mentors for the above information]


Amateurs and others around the world may listen in on contacts between amateurs operating in schools and allowing students to interact with astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station. The downlink frequency on which to listen is 145.800 MHz worldwide.

ARISS is very aware of the impact that COVID-19 is having on schools and the public in general. As such, we may have last minute cancellations or postponements of school contacts. As always, ARISS will try to provide everyone with near-real-time updates at the ARISS webpage:

[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team men- tors for the above information]

AMSAT, along with our ARISS partners, is developing an amateur
radio package, including two-way communication capability, to
be carried on-board Gateway in lunar orbit.

Support AMSAT’s projects today at

Upcoming Satellite Operations

W8LR: (@W8LR) May 30 and May 31 he will attempt to activate a dual grids contact. The grid line will be EM79/EM89.

Hey you guys from the EU: @N4DCW will be in EM56 June 5-7 with a semi- decent N-E horizon from his sister-in-law’s house. He will be on RS-44 and AO-7 looking for y’all.

AD0DX: (@AD0DX) DM77 and maybe DM76 on Saturday May 30.

An interesting email from ND9M/KH2: I’m finishing up my current tour on a U.S. merchant marine ship cur- rently anchored at Guam. I’ve been QRV from the anchorage which is at Apra Harbor. We’ll be taking a one-night run on June 2-3 to give the engines a chance to stretch their muscles. I expect to be QRV on sever- al passes on the evening of June 2 when we should be in QK13 for a few hours. Once we return to “the hook,” I’ll start packing up for my trip back to the States that weekend and should be doing some roving in the eastern states (MD, PA, VA, MD) once I get my body re-adjusted to the the 14-hour time change. Major Roves:

Ron (@AD0DX) and Doug (@N6UA) are making another run at the elusive DL88 in Big Bend National Park, TX. As we know they tried this grid back in March, and due to the mud couldn’t get to the grid, so never ones to quit, off they go again. Today the tentative date is Sunday May 31, 2020. They will be using the K5Z call sign. More information is available at the K5Z QRZ Page.

FP, ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON (Rescheduled). Eric, KV1J, will once again be operating from the Island of Miquelon (NA-032, DIFO FP-002 WLOTA 1417, Grid GN17) as FP/KV1J between September 22nd and October 6th. This oper- ation was originally scheduled for July, but was postponed due to trav- el restrictions. It will be Eric’s 14th trip to the island. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, including 60m , using CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8/FT4 (but primarily SSB, RTTY and FT8/FT4) and the SSB/FM satellites. He will generally be on the highest frequency band that is open (favoring 60/12/10/6m). He will be active in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 26-27). ADDED NOTE: Eric will usually try to be on as many Satellite passes as he can when the WX is good, generally favoring the XW-2x, AO-7, RS-44, CA-4x, and possibly the FM birds. Weekends may be limited since he will be concentrating on the low(er) bands and contests. QSL via KV1J, direct or by the Bureau. Also eQSL and LoTW. For more details and updates, check out his Web page at:

Please submit any additions or corrections to Ke0pbr (at)

[ANS thanks Paul Overnfor, KE0PBR, AMSAT rover page manager, for the above information]

Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events

Want to see AMSAT in action or learn more about amateur radio in space? AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meet- ings, hamfests, conventions, maker faires, and other events.

Due to COVID-19, many hamfest and events around the United States have been cancelled or postponed. While we make every effort to ensure the information contained below is correct, there may be some that we missed. We wish all of you safekeeping and hope to be at a hamfest near you soon.

Current schedule: No scheduled events

The following events scheduled to have an AMSAT presence have been CANCELED:

June 12-13, 2020, Ham-Com, Plano, TX

A copy of the AMSAT hamfest brochure is available for download from: This color brochure is designed to be printed double-sided and folded into a tri-fold handout.

To include your upcoming AMSAT presentation and/or demonstration, please send an email to ambassadors (at) amsat (dot) org.

[ANS thanks Robert Bankston, KE4AL, AMSAT VP-User Services for the above information]

Satellite Shorts From All Over

  • @Virgin_Orbit tweeted on May 25 that its initial test flight of the LauncherOne rocket was “a major step forward,” even though the craft did not achieve orbit as intended. In a follow-up tweet the next day, Virgin added “We said the main product of this flight would be data, and wow, did we get a lot of it! After diving into our early anal- yses, we wanted to share more about the flight — including both the many things that went well and what we know about the areas where we’ll need to improve.” (ANS thanks @Virgin_Orbit on Twitter for the above information)
  • Planning to build some space hardware in your basement during your Covid-19 quarantine? Better get your handbook! A newly revised version of the NASA Systems Engineering Handbook can be downloaded at: (ANS thanks The Orbital Index for the above information)
  • Russia plans to build a new space station because the current Inter- national Space Station will last only another decade at most, the head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos said in an interview pub- lished on Monday. “It’s still unclear whether it (the new station) will be international or national,” Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin said in comments to the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. (ANS thanks for the above information)
  • Michael Wyrick, N3UC, has announced that AO-27 is now running on a schedule that places the FM repeater on for 8 minutes per orbit: 4 minutes ascending pass and 4 minutes descending pass. (ANS thanks Stephen DeVience, N8URE, for the above information)


In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President’s Club. Members of the President’s Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi- tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.

Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu- dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.

73 and Remember to help keep amateur radio in space, This week’s ANS Editor, Mark D. Johns, K0JM

k0jm at amsat dot org