Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, AMSAT Vice President for Human Spaceflight, Named 2017 Dayton Hamvention Amateur of the Year

The Dayton Hamvention has announced the winners of the 2017 Hamvention Awards. Each year, the Dayton Hamvention honors radio amateurs who have made major contributions to the art and science of amateur radio. AMSAT Vice President for Human Spaceflight Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, was named 2017 Amateur of the Year.

The award citation reads:

“Frank serves as the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) international chairman. In the mid-1990s, Bauer proposed a GPS reception experiment on the AMSAT Phase 3D satellite (AO-40). The experiment was to measure the signal strength of the GPS satellite constellation while Phase 3D was in high-Earth orbit (HEO). The AO-40 experiment subsequently has been cited often in aerospace literature, as it remained the most comprehensive above-the-constellation data source for nearly a decade and led to changes in the system’s specifications and applications. The results of the AO-40 experiment jump started a game-changing transformation in navigation at HEO/GEO altitudes, enabling new and exciting missions in these orbits.

Bauer holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in aeronautics and astronautics from Purdue University. His career in aerospace spans 4 decades within NASA and in private industry

Bauer has been licensed since 1974. In 1983, in preparation for the space mission of Owen Garriott, W5LFL, he was responsible for setting up and operating the worldwide retransmission of Space Shuttle air-to-ground communications from Goddard Amateur Radio Club station WA3NAN. This initiative provided a critical conduit of information to hams attempting to contact astronaut-hams in the pre-Internet era.”

The 2017 Dayton Hamvention Award winners are listed at

Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, 2017 Dayton Hamvention Amateur of the Year

New Satellites on the Horizon

Update: UBAKUSAT was not launched on the JAXA HTV-6 mission. Reports indicate that it is likely to launch on the next JAXA HTV mission.

Recent International Amateur Radio Union satellite coordination requests provide new details on several satellites expected to launch before the end of the first quarter of 2017.

The first satellite expected to launch is UBAKUSAT. UBAKUSAT, developed by Istanbul Technical University along with TAMSAT, GUMUSH, and ERTEK Ltd. is a 3U CubeSat with a Mode V/u inverting linear transponder, CW beacon, and a digital telemetry downlink. The transponder downlink frequencies will be 435.200 MHz – 435.250 MHz with an uplink of 145.940 MHz – 145.990 MHz. The CW beacon frequency will be 437.225 MHz and the digital telemetry downlink will be 437.325 MHz. UBAKUSAT will be delivered to the International Space Station aboard the JAXA HTV-6 resupply mission, scheduled for launch on December 9, 2016, for future deployment. The mission is expected to last 6-12 months.

On December 26, 2016, the China Center for Aerospace Science and Technology’s BY70-1 satellite is expected to launch from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center into a 530 km sun-synchronous orbit. The satellite, a 3-axis stabilized 2U CubeSat with deployable solar panels, will carry a Mode V/u FM transponder with an uplink frequency of 145.920 MHz and a downlink frequency of 436.200 MHz.

On March 31, 2017, two satellites from the Chinese Amateur Satellite Group (CAMSAT) are expected to launch from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center into a 524 km orbit with an inclination of 42 degrees. The two satellites, CAS-4A and CAS-4B, will be 50 kg mass with 3-axis stabilization carrying optical remote sensing missions. The amateur radio payloads will be similar to the XW-2 series of satellites with Mode U/v linear transponders with power output of 100 mW, 100 mW AX.25 4800 baud GMSK telemetry, and 50 mW CW beacons. Frequencies for these two satellites have not yet been coordinated.

In addition to these satellites, AMSAT’s Fox-1Cliff, Fox-1D, and RadFxSat (Fox-1B) satellites carrying Mode U/v FM transponders are all expected to launch in the first half of 2017. Nayif-1, from the Emirates Institution for Advanced Science and Technology (EIAST) and American Univeristy of Sharjah (AUS) carrying a FUNcube Mode U/v linear transponder and telemetry downlink, as well as the U. S. Naval Academy Satellite Lab’s QIKcom-2, PSAT-2, and BRICSAT-2 satellites carrying two-way amateur radio payloads are all expected to launch in the first half of 2017. Es’Hail-2, a geostationary satellite carrying AMSAT-DL’s Phase 4A payload is scheduled to launch in the third quarter of 2017. AMSAT’s RadFxSat-2 (Fox-1E) satellite carrying a Mode V/u linear transponder may also launch in late 2017.

ARRL NPOTA Activation of President’s Park (The White House) – August 5th & August 6th

Members of the Great South Bay ARC headed by Mike Sartoretti, KC2SYF, have obtained a permit from the National Park Service to operate from President’s Park (The White House) for the ARRL National Parks on the Air event. The operating location will be the southeast side of the Ellipse. The call sign for the operation will be KC2SYF and the park designator is DZ10.

Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, will be providing satellite operations and will be active on all voice satellites (SSB/FM) from 1400 UTC to 2100 UTC on Friday, August 5th and Saturday, August 6th. The pass list is below:

WinAos QTH: -77.0/38.9 T#: 14096 Sat.: 9 [Standard]
Day Objects AOS (U) LOS Period maxEl AZ
05.08.2016 AO-85 14:50 15:03 13 25 177 – 045
05.08.2016 FO-29 15:29 15:42 13 20 125 – 001
05.08.2016 AO-85 16:30 16:44 14 44 228 – 027
05.08.2016 FO-29 17:13 17:27 14 48 181 – 341
05.08.2016 SO-50 17:47 17:58 11 18 342 – 108
05.08.2016 UKUBE-1 18:05 18:16 11 32 001 – 217
05.08.2016 AO-07 18:24 18:43 19 27 118 – 351
05.08.2016 SO-50 19:27 19:40 13 56 324 – 160
05.08.2016 AO-07 20:14 20:35 21 69 169 – 342
06.08.2016 AO-73 13:59 14:10 11 40 021 – 176
06.08.2016 AO-85 15:15 15:29 14 58 198 – 036
06.08.2016 AO-73 15:36 15:45 09 17 349 – 234
06.08.2016 FO-29 16:18 16:32 14 54 152 – 352
06.08.2016 UKUBE-1 16:46 16:57 11 31 025 – 171
06.08.2016 AO-85 16:57 17:09 12 22 252 – 021
06.08.2016 AO-07 17:27 17:42 15 12 089 – 356
06.08.2016 FO-29 18:04 18:17 13 16 208 – 330
06.08.2016 SO-50 18:12 18:25 13 38 335 – 131
06.08.2016 AO-07 19:15 19:35 20 55 143 – 348
06.08.2016 SO-50 19:53 20:04 11 21 313 – 183

Planned frequencies for the linear transponders are as follows:

AO-7B – 145.940 MHz
AO-73 – 145.965 MHz
FO-29 – 435.865 MHz
UKube-1 – 145.945 MHz

In addition to satellite operations, there will also be two 100 watt HF stations operating split. Bands will be 40, 20, and possibly 10 meters as well as 2 meters simplex.

QSL via LoTW.

President's_Park_with_White_House 1

AMSAT Symposium at Sea Update

Get ready to set sail for the 2016 AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual Meeting – at sea! With only a few months between now and our sailing date of November 10, cabins are starting to fill up quickly. If you have not made reservations, please consider doing so to ensure your cabin preference may be accommodated. While our AMSAT group reservation has a negotiated rate for category 4B inside cabins, many group members have opted to reserve ocean view and balcony cabins.


– Booking your Carnival Cruise does not register you for the AMSAT Symposium. There is a charge for each Symposium attendee of $40.  This fee applies to those who will attend the technical presentations only and includes a copy of the printed Proceedings. Additional guests are entitled to attend all other events. Registration form is available from the AMSAT office or store website.

– The AMSAT 2016 Space Symposium Cruise flyer included in the 2016 Board of Directors ballot mailing lists an incorrect group booking code. The correct AMSAT group code is 8Z0FR5.

– Ground transportation options have been added to the FAQ page on the AMSAT Symposium web page. Carnival offers round-trip transportation from HOU airport to the cruise terminal at approximately $74 per person, IAH airport $94 per person.


– Symposium registration:

– Cruise registration: 1-800- 438-6744 extension number 70005. Our group name is AMSAT and the group code is 8Z0FR5. Outside of the USA, the number to call is +1 305-599- 2600 extension number 70005 (not available on weekends.)


– 2016 AMSAT Space Symposium and General Meeting
November 10-14 aboard the Carnival Liberty departing from Galveston, Texas.

– 2016 AMSAT Board of Directors Meeting
November 9-10 at the DoubleTree Galveston Beach Hotel, Galveston, Texas.

-2016 ARISS International Meeting
November 15-18 at the ISS Conference Center, Houston, Texas. The hotel is the Hampton Inn & Suites-Clear Lake/NASA, Webster, TX. Special tours of NASA Johnson Space Center and a special operations event are planned. Email Frank Bauer at [email protected] or Rosalie White at [email protected] if you are interested in attending.
