May/June 2013 AMSAT Journal is Ready

The May/June 2013 AMSAT Journal is complete and at the print shop now. Look for your issue to arrive in theMayJune2013_Cover mail soon!

Here is a sample of what you will find in this issue:

  •  AMSAT Announcements
  • Apogee View by Barry Baines, WD4ASW
  • Amateur Radio in Space Triggers Young Visitor by Maurice-André Vigneault, VE3VIG
  • AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes by Alan Biddle, Corporate Secretary, WA4SCA
  • AMSAT Field Day by Bruce Paige, KK5DO
  • Working Earth-Moon-Earth with MAP65 and the FUNcube Dongle Pro+ by David A. Palmer, KB5WIA
  • AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Nominations
  • Interlock Timer Circuit Protects Your Preamps by Ronald G. Parsons, W5RKN
  • AMSAT Fox-2 MPPT Collaboration with EE Students at R.I.T
  • AMSAT-NA 2013 Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting Announcement
  • Oscar Zero News by Bob DeVarney, W1ICW
  • Cheap and Easy 2.2 to 2.3 GHz Bandpass Filter by John M. Franke, WA4WDL
  • April/May Cubesat Launches Summary
  • NASA Announces AMSAT Fox-1 Launch Date
  • AMSAT Shows Fox-1 at Dayton Hamvention


Joe Spier K6WAO Joins ANS Editorial Staff

Joe Spier, W6WAO (left) conducting the ARISS contact during Pacificon 2012

Joe Spier K6WAO, of Weimar, CA has joined the AMSAT News Service as a rotating editor. Joe also serves AMSAT as Associate Director for Education. He was the contact liaison for the AMSAT sponsored Pacificon ARISS contact, last Fall. Look for Joe’s first ANS Bulletin, scheduled for release on June 9 as ANS 160. AMSAT welcomes Joe and thanks him for volunteering his time to the AMSAT News Service. Please send any news related to amateur radio in space to the ANS Editor mailbox at [email protected]..

Categories ANS

Fox-1 has a Launch Date!

2013 dayton outlines ver2NASA announced Monday that AMSAT’s Fox-1 spacecraft has been assigned a launch in 2014. For details on the launch vehicle, targeted launch date, orbit specifics, and more, please attend the AMSAT Forum and visit the AMSAT booth at the Dayton Hamvention this weekend.  Watch and the AMSAT News Service for more details to follow as they become available.

AMSAT to Debut Fox-1 Model at Dayton

Through the dedicated work of Stefan Wagener, VE4NSA, AMSAT-NA will debut its new 1:1 scale cardboard model of the Fox-1 CubeSat at Hamvention 2013. We will have a complete display at the AMSAT booth. It is life size, and based on the latest Fox-1 engineering drawings for highest fidelity in design and appearance.  The model is printed in color on heavy stock paper, includes all components and the instructions are carefully prepared to allow for easy assembly requiring scissors, glue etc.  Depending on experience, assembly will take approximately 10+ hours. The complete model will be a perfect addition to any satellite operator’s shack, and a chance to show visitors what is being done by AMSAT today.  We will have finished models at the AMSAT booth for display and printed models for sale.

Fox-1 Model
Fox-1 Model

They will be available at the AMSAT booth for a recommended donation of $25.  All proceeds will go to supporting the Fox Project.