ARISS Operations Information


All dates and times listed follow International Standard ISO 8601 date and time format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS



Make sure the school supplies 2 weeks before the contact one or two short paragraphs about the school and their preparations, the student's names, and the questions the students will ask.  The format of the questions is to be sequence number, first name, question and in the order they will be asked; one question at a time.  Do not use automatic formatting such as automatic bullets, numbering or indentations.  Do not use tabs or tables.  The questions do not need to look pretty.  Do not use fancy fonts, italics, bold, the word Over, last name unless 2 of the same first name and then use initials, the words “My question is” or “My name is”.  For example:  1. John:  How is the food?   2. Mary:  Do you miss your family?  Simple text file works best.  Tell the schools that they do not need to do extra work to make the questions look good as all of that will get stripped away for our formatting.

24 hours before the contact, the school must email the "24 hour email" back to the operations team.

Within 1 week after the contact, make sure the school fills out the ARISS Activity Report found on the ARISS website at ARISS and that it is returned to ARISS at [email protected]

Schools should send Activity reports, post-contact reports, talent releases, photos, videos, etc. to [email protected]:

Email Charlie Sufana AJ9N at [email protected] or Will Marchant KW4WZ at Will Marchant, KW4WZ at [email protected] with any issues.

Current as of 2019-09-23 at 14:30 UTC