AMSAT Ambassador Program

Share Your Passion and Excitement for Amateur Radio in Space with Others in Amateur Radio and the General Public through Educational Outreach

Do you remember your first satellite QSO – the steep learning curve and frustration of not having enough hands to do everything you needed to do all at the same time?  While some may have been lucky enough to have a mentor, most of you probably had to figure it out on your own.

Well, now is your chance to share what you have learned about amateur radio in space with others, and, in the process, help inspire the next generation of AMSAT’ers.  Become an AMSAT Ambassador and do your part towards making that happen by informing people about its value and encouraging their support and involvement.

What is an AMSAT Ambassador?

An AMSAT Ambassador is an AMSAT member who wishes to educate other amateur radio operators and the general public about the importance of amateur radio in space and the exciting progress being made in meeting AMSAT’s mission and vision.

  • AMSAT’s Mission – AMSAT is a non-profit volunteer organization which designs, builds and operates experimental satellites and promotes space education. We work in partnership with government, industry, educational institutions and fellow Amateur Radio societies.  We encourage technical and scientific innovation, and promote the training and development of skilled satellite and ground system designers and operators.
  • AMSAT’s Vision – Our Vision is to deploy satellite systems with the goal of providing wide-area and continuous coverage – (HEO/GTO/GEO activities – under development as part of the GOLF program), to continue active participation in human space missions – (ARISS, AREX on Lunar Gateway), and support a stream of LEO satellites developed in cooperation with the educational community and other amateur satellite groups – (Fox-1 program, Fox-1 linear transponder communications module for student-led cubesat programs).

What does an AMSAT Ambassador do?

An AMSAT Ambassador is required to educate other amateur radio operators and/or the general public on amateur radio in space related subjects.  These presentations must complement AMSAT’s goals and meet general proficiency and ethical standards.  Being a AMSAT Ambassador requires personal interaction with people in a real-time environment, whether at in-person events, practical demonstrations, online, or in written communications.

AMSAT Ambassador Program Goals

  • Maintain a pool of volunteers who can demonstrate current, working knowledge of Orbiting Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio (OSCAR) for the purposes of promoting AMSAT.
  • Represent AMSAT by sharing enthusiasm for Amateur Radio in Space with others, whether at in-person events, practical demonstrations, online, or in written communications, and share AMSAT’s mission and vision.
  • Connect volunteers with potential members both in-person and online in a manner encouraging their affiliation by membership with AMSAT.
  • Offer personal mentoring and coaching to new enthusiasts either in-person or via online means such as email, chat, and social media.
  • Connect members and potential enthusiasts with proper resources at AMSAT when they seek more knowledge, volunteer to serve, or have concerns with the organization.

Why should I be an AMSAT Ambassador?

Becoming an AMSAT Ambassador empowers you to educate and motivate young people and adults to knowledgeably discuss and participate in supporting amateur radio in space programs. The AMSAT Ambassadors team will give you any guidance and resources you need to enhance your presentation skills and engender interest in amateur radio in space.  In addition to the personal growth and satisfaction you will enjoy, you will have the exciting opportunity to interact with diverse audiences and inspire the next generation.

What resources are provided to AMSAT Ambassadors?

AMSAT provides a library of presentations, designed for various audiences.  You may use these presentations in their entirety or in part, to create customized messaging.  The only thing we ask, if you decide to customize your presentations, is you include one or two slides that convey the AMSAT Mission and Vision Statement, along with any current, important announcements.

View and download the AMSAT Tri-Fold Brochure here.

How do I become an AMSAT Ambassador?

To apply, send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

  1. Name/Callsign
  2. QTH City, State and Grid
  3. Preferred email address
  4. Satellite experience? FM, Digital, Linear, Telemetry
  5. Areas are you interested in participating?  Presentations, Demonstrations, Hamfests, Skype, Social media
  6. What do you propose to do for your first event? What will be your venue?