Upcoming Satellite Operations

Upcoming Roves:


Quick hits:



KØJM/R will attempt to put the EN47/EN48 gridline on the air on Wednesday, 19th June. Watch hams.at for details.


From Randy, ND0C:

From 24 June thru 7 July, we will be on another family camping vacation, which means another satellite roving expedition! This time, thru WI to MI and back thru IL and IA. No super rare grids but several that may be needed by many. The grids and passes will depend on where/when we happen to be while on the road or camping. This will be all LEO sats: FM & SSB. As always, I will try for EU passes on RS-44 when possible. Looking forward to pushing past the 100 grids-roved milestone. More info to come.


JA2QJI/8 will be QRV on GreenCube/IO-117 from QN05 on 25th June. See hams.at for any additional details.


From Mike, N8MR:

I will be in EN57, with roves to EN67 from Friday, June 28 thru Saturday, July 6. Using an Icom 9700, Arrow and Alaskan antennas. Listening for Europe on linear eastern passes. I can rove to EN56, only if needed. Posting passes to hams.at a day in advance. All QSOs to LoTW as N8MR.



Major Roves:


VP5/AA5UK will be QRV from FL31 from 23rd June through 5th July. This operation will be holiday style but will cover HF/LEO/MEO. Head over to his VP5/AA5UK QRZ page for all the info you can shake a stick at.


HB0/DK9JC should be QRV from JN47 on GreenCube/IO-117 on 26th June. See  hams.at for any updates.





Please submit any additions or corrections to k5zm (at) comcast (dot) net.

Updated 18th June 2024 @ 0437z