========================================================================== This directory contains information about the amateur radio satellite Amsat-Oscar-13 (AO-13 or P3C), NORAD identifier 19216, object 88051B. Contents: --------- directory: amsat/satinfo/ao13 ------------------------------ 00README.TXT This file decaykep.zip AO-13 future 2-line keplerian elements up to re-entry schedule.txt Current AO-13 transponder schedule spec_tlm.txt Full AO-13 telemetry specification spec_wod.txt Format of whole orbit dump K and L blocks spec_crc.txt P3 telemetry CRCC specification events.txt Explanation of Event flags demod.zip MK II Decoder spec, ordering, sources, MK I mods. nasakeps Sub-directory containing latest 2-line NASA/NORAD keps telemetry Sub-directory - see below Sub-directory: amsat/satinfo/ao13/telemetry -------------------------------------------- 88.zip AO-13 Annual Telemetry 1988 89.zip 1989 . . . . 94.zip 1994 9405.zip AO-13 Monthly Telemetry 1994 May 9406.zip Jun etc etc The current month's telemetry file is updated regularly during the month. ==========================================================================