AMSAT-NA Satgen Subject Index:
Meteor Scatter

18    2Aug89*  Meteor Shower maximum timing
91   24Dec90   Shuttle Flight schedule. Uosat3. Meteors
172  12Jul92   Meteor Scatter
185  10Oct92   SETI. Meteors. Duplicate Bulletins
198   9Jan93   Quadrantids Meteors
207  13Mar93   The Perseids Meteors in August 93
211  10Apr93   Meteors and Interstellar dust
220  12Jun93   Comets and Meteors
227  31Jul93   A Perseids Meteor Storm?
283  27Aug95   UNAMSAT Meteors
299  17Dec94   Comets and Meteors
327  01Jul95   Counting Comets
352  22Dec95   Spacewatch - Asteroid Probes
360  17Feb96   Jianbing - Artificial Metor?
365  23Mar96   Comets and Meteors
369  20Apr96   Interstellar Meteors
372  11May96   Meteors = Satproblems?
418  29Mar97   Mobile Phone Sats
420  13Apr97   Innovative Satellites
435  26Jul97   Perseid's Prospects
446  11Oct97   Leonids Meteor Buildup
450  08Nov97   Meteors, Where, When, Why
452  22Nov97   Wall to Wall Leonids
499  17Oct98   Magnetism 6
501  30Oct98   Leonids Meteor Storm??
502  07Nov98   Comets and Meteors 1
503  14Nov98   Comets and Meteors 2
504  21Nov98   Magnificent Leonids 98
526  24Apr99   Lost Meteors Return?
543  21Aug99   Damage to Satellites
553  30Oct99   Millenium Meteors??
556  19Nov99   Auroras 80 Meteors 0
579  29Apr00   Asteroid, Comet, Meteor
602  07Oct00   LeonidMS 17/18 Nov
606  04Nov00   Kuiper Belt Objects
611  09Dec00   Space Dust
613  23Dec00   Holiday Cheer
640  30Jun01   Perseid Meteors 2001
647  18Aug01   Meteor Scatter Comms

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Articles by John Branegan, GM4IHJ (SK). Feedback to KB5MU.